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// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2005 Novell, Inc.
// Authors:
// Jackson Harper (jackson@ximian.com)
// Kazuki Oikawa (kazuki@panicode.com)
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.ComponentModel.Design;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Drawing.Drawing2D;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
namespace ShiftUI {
[ComVisible (true)]
[Docking (DockingBehavior.Ask)]
[ClassInterface (ClassInterfaceType.AutoDispatch)]
//[Designer("ShiftUI.Design.TreeViewDesigner, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, "System.ComponentModel.Design.IDesigner")]
public class TreeView : Widget {
#region Fields
private string path_separator = "\\";
private int item_height = -1;
internal bool sorted;
internal TreeNode root_node;
internal bool nodes_added;
private TreeNodeCollection nodes;
private TreeViewAction selection_action;
internal TreeNode selected_node;
private TreeNode pre_selected_node;
private TreeNode focused_node;
internal TreeNode highlighted_node;
private Rectangle mouse_rect;
private bool select_mmove;
private ImageList image_list;
private int image_index = -1;
private int selected_image_index = -1;
private string image_key;
private bool is_hovering;
private TreeNode mouse_click_node;
private bool right_to_left_layout;
private string selected_image_key;
private bool show_node_tool_tips;
private ImageList state_image_list;
private TreeNode tooltip_currently_showing;
private ToolTip tooltip_window;
private bool full_row_select;
private bool hot_tracking;
private int indent = 19;
private NodeLabelEditEventArgs edit_args;
private LabelEditTextBox edit_text_box;
internal TreeNode edit_node;
private bool checkboxes;
private bool label_edit;
private bool scrollable = true;
private bool show_lines = true;
private bool show_root_lines = true;
private bool show_plus_minus = true;
private bool hide_selection = true;
private int max_visible_order = -1;
internal VScrollBar vbar;
internal HScrollBar hbar;
private bool vbar_bounds_set;
private bool hbar_bounds_set;
internal int skipped_nodes;
internal int hbar_offset;
private int update_stack;
private bool update_needed;
private Pen dash;
private Color line_color;
private StringFormat string_format;
private int drag_begin_x = -1;
private int drag_begin_y = -1;
private long handle_count = 1;
private TreeViewDrawMode draw_mode;
IComparer tree_view_node_sorter;
#endregion // Fields
#region Public Constructors
public TreeView ()
vbar = new ImplicitVScrollBar ();
hbar = new ImplicitHScrollBar ();
InternalBorderStyle = BorderStyle.Fixed3D;
base.background_color = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindow;
base.foreground_color = ThemeEngine.Current.ColorWindowText;
draw_mode = TreeViewDrawMode.Normal;
root_node = new TreeNode (this);
root_node.Text = "ROOT NODE";
nodes = new TreeNodeCollection (root_node);
root_node.SetNodes (nodes);
MouseDown += new MouseEventHandler (MouseDownHandler);
MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(MouseUpHandler);
MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(MouseMoveHandler);
SizeChanged += new EventHandler (SizeChangedHandler);
FontChanged += new EventHandler (FontChangedHandler);
LostFocus += new EventHandler (LostFocusHandler);
GotFocus += new EventHandler (GotFocusHandler);
MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MouseWheelHandler);
VisibleChanged += new EventHandler (VisibleChangedHandler);
SetStyle (Widgetstyles.UserPaint | Widgetstyles.StandardClick | Widgetstyles.UseTextForAccessibility, false);
string_format = new StringFormat ();
string_format.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;
string_format.Alignment = StringAlignment.Center;
vbar.Visible = false;
hbar.Visible = false;
vbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (VScrollBarValueChanged);
hbar.ValueChanged += new EventHandler (HScrollBarValueChanged);
SuspendLayout ();
Widgets.AddImplicit (vbar);
Widgets.AddImplicit (hbar);
ResumeLayout ();
#endregion // Public Constructors
#region Public Instance Properties
public override Color BackColor {
get { return base.BackColor;}
set {
base.BackColor = value;
CreateDashPen ();
Invalidate ();
public override Image BackgroundImage {
get { return base.BackgroundImage; }
set { base.BackgroundImage = value; }
public BorderStyle BorderStyle {
get { return InternalBorderStyle; }
set { InternalBorderStyle = value; }
public bool CheckBoxes {
get { return checkboxes; }
set {
if (value == checkboxes)
checkboxes = value;
// Match a "bug" in the MS implementation where disabling checkboxes
// collapses the entire tree, but enabling them does not affect the
// state of the tree.
if (!checkboxes)
root_node.CollapseAllUncheck ();
Invalidate ();
// UIA Framework Event: CheckBoxes Changed
OnUIACheckBoxesChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
public override Color ForeColor {
get { return base.ForeColor; }
set { base.ForeColor = value; }
public bool FullRowSelect {
get { return full_row_select; }
set {
if (value == full_row_select)
full_row_select = value;
Invalidate ();
public bool HideSelection {
get { return hide_selection; }
set {
if (hide_selection == value)
hide_selection = value;
Invalidate ();
public bool HotTracking {
get { return hot_tracking; }
set { hot_tracking = value; }
[DefaultValue (-1)]
[RelatedImageList ("ImageList")]
[RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
[TypeConverter (typeof (NoneExcludedImageIndexConverter))]
//[Editor("ShiftUI.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
public int ImageIndex {
get { return image_index; }
set {
if (value < -1) {
throw new ArgumentException ("'" + value + "' is not a valid value for 'value'. " +
"'value' must be greater than or equal to 0.");
if (image_index == value)
image_index = value;
Invalidate ();
[RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
public ImageList ImageList {
get { return image_list; }
set {
image_list = value;
Invalidate ();
public int Indent {
get { return indent; }
set {
if (indent == value)
if (value > 32000) {
throw new ArgumentException ("'" + value + "' is not a valid value for 'Indent'. " +
"'Indent' must be less than or equal to 32000");
if (value < 0) {
throw new ArgumentException ("'" + value + "' is not a valid value for 'Indent'. " +
"'Indent' must be greater than or equal to 0.");
indent = value;
Invalidate ();
public int ItemHeight {
get {
if (item_height == -1)
return FontHeight + 3;
return item_height;
set {
if (value == item_height)
item_height = value;
Invalidate ();
internal int ActualItemHeight {
get {
int res = ItemHeight;
if (ImageList != null && ImageList.ImageSize.Height > res)
res = ImageList.ImageSize.Height;
return res;
public bool LabelEdit {
get { return label_edit; }
set {
label_edit = value;
// UIA Framework Event: LabelEdit Changed
OnUIALabelEditChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
public TreeNodeCollection Nodes {
get { return nodes; }
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
//[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public new Padding Padding {
get { return base.Padding; }
set { base.Padding = value; }
public string PathSeparator {
get { return path_separator; }
set { path_separator = value; }
[Localizable (true)]
[DefaultValue (false)]
public virtual bool RightToLeftLayout {
get { return right_to_left_layout; }
set {
if (right_to_left_layout != value) {
right_to_left_layout = value;
OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (EventArgs.Empty);
public bool Scrollable {
get { return scrollable; }
set {
if (scrollable == value)
scrollable = value;
UpdateScrollBars (false);
[DefaultValue (-1)]
[RelatedImageList ("ImageList")]
[TypeConverter (typeof (NoneExcludedImageIndexConverter))]
//[Editor("ShiftUI.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof(System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
public int SelectedImageIndex {
get { return selected_image_index; }
set {
if (value < -1) {
throw new ArgumentException ("'" + value + "' is not a valid value for 'value'. " +
"'value' must be greater than or equal to 0.");
UpdateNode (SelectedNode);
public TreeNode SelectedNode {
get {
if (!IsHandleCreated)
return pre_selected_node;
return selected_node;
set {
if (!IsHandleCreated) {
pre_selected_node = value;
if (selected_node == value) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.Unknown;
if (value != null) {
TreeViewCancelEventArgs e = new TreeViewCancelEventArgs (value, false, selection_action);
OnBeforeSelect (e);
if (e.Cancel)
Rectangle invalid = Rectangle.Empty;
if (selected_node != null) {
invalid = Bloat (selected_node.Bounds);
if (focused_node != null) {
invalid = Rectangle.Union (invalid,
Bloat (focused_node.Bounds));
if (value != null)
invalid = Rectangle.Union (invalid, Bloat (value.Bounds));
highlighted_node = value;
selected_node = value;
focused_node = value;
if (full_row_select || draw_mode != TreeViewDrawMode.Normal) {
invalid.X = 0;
invalid.Width = ViewportRectangle.Width;
if (invalid != Rectangle.Empty)
Invalidate (invalid);
// We ensure its visible after we update because
// scrolling is used for insure visible
if (selected_node != null)
selected_node.EnsureVisible ();
if (value != null) {
OnAfterSelect (new TreeViewEventArgs (value, TreeViewAction.Unknown));
selection_action = TreeViewAction.Unknown;
private Rectangle Bloat (Rectangle rect)
rect.Height += 2;
rect.Width += 2;
return rect;
public bool ShowLines {
get { return show_lines; }
set {
if (show_lines == value)
show_lines = value;
Invalidate ();
[DefaultValue (false)]
public bool ShowNodeToolTips {
get { return show_node_tool_tips; }
set { show_node_tool_tips = value; }
public bool ShowPlusMinus {
get { return show_plus_minus; }
set {
if (show_plus_minus == value)
show_plus_minus = value;
Invalidate ();
public bool ShowRootLines {
get { return show_root_lines; }
set {
if (show_root_lines == value)
show_root_lines = value;
Invalidate ();
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public bool Sorted {
get { return sorted; }
set {
if (sorted == value)
sorted = value;
//LAMESPEC: The documentation says that setting this to true should sort alphabetically if TreeViewNodeSorter is set.
// There seems to be a bug in the Microsoft implementation.
if (sorted && tree_view_node_sorter == null) {
Sort (null);
[DefaultValue (null)]
public ImageList StateImageList {
get { return state_image_list; }
set {
state_image_list = value;
Invalidate ();
public override string Text {
get { return base.Text; }
set { base.Text = value; }
public TreeNode TopNode {
get {
if (root_node.FirstNode == null)
return null;
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator one = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (root_node.FirstNode);
one.MoveNext ();
for (int i = 0; i < skipped_nodes; i++)
one.MoveNext ();
return one.CurrentNode;
set {
SetTop (value);
[Browsable (false)]
//[DesignerSerializationVisibility (DesignerSerializationVisibility.Hidden)]
public IComparer TreeViewNodeSorter {
get {
return tree_view_node_sorter;
set {
tree_view_node_sorter = value;
if (tree_view_node_sorter != null) {
//LAMESPEC: The documentation says that setting this should set Sorted to false.
// There seems to be a bug in the Microsoft implementation.
sorted = true;
public int VisibleCount {
get {
return ViewportRectangle.Height / ActualItemHeight;
/// According to MSDN this property has no effect on the treeview
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
protected override bool DoubleBuffered {
get { return base.DoubleBuffered; }
set { base.DoubleBuffered = value; }
[DefaultValue ("Color [Black]")]
public Color LineColor {
get {
if (line_color == Color.Empty) {
Color res = WidgetPaint.Dark (BackColor);
if (res == BackColor)
res = WidgetPaint.Light (BackColor);
return res;
return line_color;
set {
line_color = value;
if (show_lines) {
CreateDashPen ();
Invalidate ();
[Localizable (true)]
[DefaultValue ("")]
[RelatedImageList ("ImageList")]
[RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
[TypeConverter (typeof (ImageKeyConverter))]
//[Editor ("ShiftUI.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
public string ImageKey {
get { return image_key; }
set {
if (image_key == value)
image_index = -1;
image_key = value;
Invalidate ();
[Localizable (true)]
[DefaultValue ("")]
[RelatedImageList ("ImageList")]
[RefreshProperties (RefreshProperties.Repaint)]
[TypeConverter (typeof (ImageKeyConverter))]
//[Editor ("ShiftUI.Design.ImageIndexEditor, " + Consts.AssemblySystem_Design, typeof (System.Drawing.Design.UITypeEditor))]
public string SelectedImageKey {
get { return selected_image_key; }
set {
if (selected_image_key == value)
selected_image_index = -1;
selected_image_key = value;
UpdateNode (SelectedNode);
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public override ImageLayout BackgroundImageLayout {
get { return base.BackgroundImageLayout; }
set { base.BackgroundImageLayout = value; }
[DefaultValue (TreeViewDrawMode.Normal)]
public TreeViewDrawMode DrawMode {
get { return draw_mode; }
set { draw_mode = value; }
#endregion // Public Instance Properties
#region UIA Framework Properties
internal ScrollBar UIAHScrollBar {
get { return hbar; }
internal ScrollBar UIAVScrollBar {
get { return vbar; }
#endregion // UIA Framework Properties
#region Protected Instance Properties
protected override CreateParams CreateParams {
get {
CreateParams cp = base.CreateParams;
return cp;
protected override Size DefaultSize {
get { return new Size (121, 97); }
#endregion // Protected Instance Properties
#region Public Instance Methods
public void BeginUpdate ()
public void EndUpdate ()
if (update_stack > 1) {
} else {
update_stack = 0;
if (update_needed) {
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
UpdateScrollBars (false);
// if (SelectedNode != null)
// SelectedNode.EnsureVisible ();
Invalidate (ViewportRectangle);
update_needed = false;
public void Sort ()
Sort (tree_view_node_sorter);
void Sort (IComparer sorter)
sorted = true;
Nodes.Sort (sorter);
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
UpdateScrollBars (false);
Invalidate ();
void SetVScrollValue (int value)
if (value > vbar.Maximum)
value = vbar.Maximum;
else if (value < vbar.Minimum)
value = vbar.Minimum;
vbar.Value = value;
public void ExpandAll ()
BeginUpdate ();
root_node.ExpandAll ();
EndUpdate ();
/// Everything below this is basically an emulation of a strange bug on MS
/// where they don't always scroll to the last node on ExpandAll
if (!IsHandleCreated)
bool found = false;
foreach (TreeNode child in Nodes) {
if (child.Nodes.Count > 0)
found = true;
if (!found)
if (IsHandleCreated && vbar.VisibleInternal) {
SetVScrollValue (vbar.Maximum - VisibleCount + 1);
} else {
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
UpdateScrollBars (true);
// Only move the top node if we now have a scrollbar
if (vbar.VisibleInternal) {
SetTop (Nodes [Nodes.Count - 1]);
SelectedNode = Nodes [Nodes.Count - 1];
public void CollapseAll ()
BeginUpdate ();
root_node.CollapseAll ();
EndUpdate ();
if (vbar.VisibleInternal)
SetVScrollValue (vbar.Maximum - VisibleCount + 1);
public TreeNode GetNodeAt (Point pt) {
return GetNodeAt (pt.Y);
public TreeNode GetNodeAt (int x, int y)
return GetNodeAt (y);
private TreeNode GetNodeAtUseX (int x, int y) {
TreeNode node = GetNodeAt (y);
if (node == null || !(IsTextArea (node, x) || full_row_select))
return null;
return node;
public int GetNodeCount (bool includeSubTrees) {
return root_node.GetNodeCount (includeSubTrees);
public TreeViewHitTestInfo HitTest (Point pt)
return HitTest (pt.X, pt.Y);
public TreeViewHitTestInfo HitTest (int x, int y)
TreeNode n = GetNodeAt (y);
if (n == null)
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (null, TreeViewHitTestLocations.None);
if (IsTextArea (n, x))
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (n, TreeViewHitTestLocations.Label);
else if (IsPlusMinusArea (n, x))
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (n, TreeViewHitTestLocations.PlusMinus);
else if ((checkboxes || n.StateImage != null) && IsCheckboxArea (n, x))
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (n, TreeViewHitTestLocations.StateImage);
else if (x > n.Bounds.Right)
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (n, TreeViewHitTestLocations.RightOfLabel);
else if (IsImage (n, x))
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (n, TreeViewHitTestLocations.Image);
return new TreeViewHitTestInfo (null, TreeViewHitTestLocations.Indent);
public override string ToString () {
int count = Nodes.Count;
if (count <= 0)
return String.Concat (base.ToString (), ", Nodes.Count: 0");
return String.Concat (base.ToString (), ", Nodes.Count: ", count, ", Nodes[0]: ", Nodes [0]);
#endregion // Public Instance Methods
#region Protected Instance Methods
protected override void CreateHandle () {
base.CreateHandle ();
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
UpdateScrollBars (false);
if (pre_selected_node != null)
SelectedNode = pre_selected_node;
protected override void Dispose (bool disposing) {
if (disposing)
image_list = null;
base.Dispose (disposing);
protected OwnerDrawPropertyBag GetItemRenderStyles (TreeNode node, int state) {
return node.prop_bag;
protected override bool IsInputKey (Keys keyData)
if (IsHandleCreated && (keyData & Keys.Alt) == 0) {
switch (keyData & Keys.KeyCode) {
case Keys.Left:
case Keys.Up:
case Keys.Right:
case Keys.Down:
return true;
case Keys.Enter:
case Keys.Escape:
case Keys.Prior:
case Keys.Next:
case Keys.End:
case Keys.Home:
if (edit_node != null)
return true;
return base.IsInputKey (keyData);
protected override void OnKeyDown (KeyEventArgs e)
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator ne;
switch (e.KeyData & Keys.KeyCode) {
case Keys.Add:
if (selected_node != null && selected_node.IsExpanded)
selected_node.Expand ();
case Keys.Subtract:
if (selected_node != null && selected_node.IsExpanded)
selected_node.Collapse ();
case Keys.Left:
if (selected_node != null) {
if (selected_node.IsExpanded && selected_node.Nodes.Count > 0)
selected_node.Collapse ();
else {
TreeNode parent = selected_node.Parent;
if (parent != null) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = parent;
case Keys.Right:
if (selected_node != null) {
if (!selected_node.IsExpanded)
selected_node.Expand ();
else {
TreeNode child = selected_node.FirstNode;
if (child != null)
SelectedNode = child;
case Keys.Up:
if (selected_node != null) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (selected_node);
if (ne.MovePrevious () && ne.MovePrevious ()) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.Down:
if (selected_node != null) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (selected_node);
if (ne.MoveNext () && ne.MoveNext ()) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.Home:
if (root_node.Nodes.Count > 0) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (root_node.Nodes [0]);
if (ne.MoveNext ()) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.End:
if (root_node.Nodes.Count > 0) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (root_node.Nodes [0]);
while (ne.MoveNext ())
{ }
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.PageDown:
if (selected_node != null) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (selected_node);
int move = VisibleCount;
for (int i = 0; i < move && ne.MoveNext (); i++) {
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.PageUp:
if (selected_node != null) {
ne = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (selected_node);
int move = VisibleCount;
for (int i = 0; i < move && ne.MovePrevious (); i++)
{ }
selection_action = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
SelectedNode = ne.CurrentNode;
case Keys.Multiply:
if (selected_node != null)
selected_node.ExpandAll ();
base.OnKeyDown (e);
if (!e.Handled && checkboxes &&
selected_node != null &&
(e.KeyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.Space) {
selected_node.check_reason = TreeViewAction.ByKeyboard;
selected_node.Checked = !selected_node.Checked;
e.Handled = true;
protected override void OnKeyPress (KeyPressEventArgs e)
base.OnKeyPress (e);
if (e.KeyChar == ' ')
e.Handled = true;
protected override void OnKeyUp (KeyEventArgs e)
base.OnKeyUp (e);
if ((e.KeyData & Keys.KeyCode) == Keys.Space)
e.Handled = true;
protected override void OnMouseHover (EventArgs e)
base.OnMouseHover (e);
is_hovering = true;
TreeNode tn = GetNodeAt (PointToClient (MousePosition));
if (tn != null)
MouseEnteredItem (tn);
protected override void OnMouseLeave (EventArgs e)
base.OnMouseLeave (e);
is_hovering = false;
if (tooltip_currently_showing != null)
MouseLeftItem (tooltip_currently_showing);
protected virtual void OnNodeMouseClick (TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler eh = (TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler)(Events[NodeMouseClickEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnNodeMouseDoubleClick (TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs e)
TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler eh = (TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler)(Events[NodeMouseDoubleClickEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnNodeMouseHover (TreeNodeMouseHoverEventArgs e)
TreeNodeMouseHoverEventHandler eh = (TreeNodeMouseHoverEventHandler)(Events[NodeMouseHoverEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnItemDrag (ItemDragEventArgs e)
ItemDragEventHandler eh = (ItemDragEventHandler)(Events [ItemDragEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnDrawNode(DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e) {
DrawTreeNodeEventHandler eh = (DrawTreeNodeEventHandler)(Events[DrawNodeEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh(this, e);
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Advanced)]
protected virtual void OnRightToLeftLayoutChanged (EventArgs e) {
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler)(Events[RightToLeftLayoutChangedEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnAfterCheck (TreeViewEventArgs e) {
TreeViewEventHandler eh = (TreeViewEventHandler)(Events [AfterCheckEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnAfterCollapse (TreeViewEventArgs e) {
TreeViewEventHandler eh = (TreeViewEventHandler)(Events [AfterCollapseEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnAfterExpand (TreeViewEventArgs e) {
TreeViewEventHandler eh = (TreeViewEventHandler)(Events [AfterExpandEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnAfterLabelEdit (NodeLabelEditEventArgs e) {
NodeLabelEditEventHandler eh = (NodeLabelEditEventHandler)(Events [AfterLabelEditEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnAfterSelect (TreeViewEventArgs e) {
TreeViewEventHandler eh = (TreeViewEventHandler)(Events [AfterSelectEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnBeforeCheck (TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) {
TreeViewCancelEventHandler eh = (TreeViewCancelEventHandler)(Events [BeforeCheckEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnBeforeCollapse (TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) {
TreeViewCancelEventHandler eh = (TreeViewCancelEventHandler)(Events [BeforeCollapseEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected internal virtual void OnBeforeExpand (TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) {
TreeViewCancelEventHandler eh = (TreeViewCancelEventHandler)(Events [BeforeExpandEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnBeforeLabelEdit (NodeLabelEditEventArgs e) {
NodeLabelEditEventHandler eh = (NodeLabelEditEventHandler)(Events [BeforeLabelEditEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected virtual void OnBeforeSelect (TreeViewCancelEventArgs e) {
TreeViewCancelEventHandler eh = (TreeViewCancelEventHandler)(Events [BeforeSelectEvent]);
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
protected override void OnHandleCreated (EventArgs e) {
base.OnHandleCreated (e);
protected override void OnHandleDestroyed (EventArgs e) {
base.OnHandleDestroyed (e);
protected override void WndProc(ref Message m) {
switch ((Msg) m.Msg) {
int val = m.LParam.ToInt32();
DoubleClickHandler (null, new
MouseEventArgs (MouseButtons.Left,
2, val & 0xffff,
(val>>16) & 0xffff, 0));
if (WmContextMenu (ref m))
base.WndProc (ref m);
#endregion // Protected Instance Methods
#region Internal & Private Methods and Properties
internal override bool ScaleChildrenInternal {
get { return false; }
internal IntPtr CreateNodeHandle ()
return (IntPtr) handle_count++;
// According to MSDN docs, for these to be raised,
// the click must occur over a TreeNode
internal override void HandleClick (int clicks, MouseEventArgs me)
if (GetNodeAt (me.Location) != null) {
if ((clicks > 1) && GetStyle (Widgetstyles.StandardDoubleClick)) {
OnDoubleClick (me);
OnMouseDoubleClick (me);
} else {
OnClick (me);
OnMouseClick (me);
internal override bool IsInputCharInternal (char charCode)
return true;
internal TreeNode NodeFromHandle (IntPtr handle)
// This method is called rarely, so instead of maintaining a table
// we just walk the tree nodes to find the matching handle
return NodeFromHandleRecursive (root_node, handle);
private TreeNode NodeFromHandleRecursive (TreeNode node, IntPtr handle)
if (node.handle == handle)
return node;
foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) {
TreeNode match = NodeFromHandleRecursive (child, handle);
if (match != null)
return match;
return null;
internal Rectangle ViewportRectangle {
get {
Rectangle res = ClientRectangle;
if (vbar != null && vbar.Visible)
res.Width -= vbar.Width;
if (hbar != null && hbar.Visible)
res.Height -= hbar.Height;
return res;
private TreeNode GetNodeAt (int y)
if (nodes.Count <= 0)
return null;
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator o = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (TopNode);
int move = y / ActualItemHeight;
for (int i = -1; i < move; i++) {
if (!o.MoveNext ())
return null;
return o.CurrentNode;
private bool IsTextArea (TreeNode node, int x)
return node != null && node.Bounds.Left <= x && node.Bounds.Right >= x;
private bool IsSelectableArea (TreeNode node, int x)
if (node == null)
return false;
int l = node.Bounds.Left;
if (ImageList != null)
l -= ImageList.ImageSize.Width;
return l <= x && node.Bounds.Right >= x;
private bool IsPlusMinusArea (TreeNode node, int x)
if (node.Nodes.Count == 0 || (node.parent == root_node && !show_root_lines))
return false;
int l = node.Bounds.Left + 5;
if (show_root_lines || node.Parent != null)
l -= indent;
if (ImageList != null)
l -= ImageList.ImageSize.Width + 3;
if (checkboxes)
l -= 19;
// StateImage is basically a custom checkbox
else if (node.StateImage != null)
l -= 19;
return (x > l && x < l + 8);
private bool IsCheckboxArea (TreeNode node, int x)
int l = CheckBoxLeft (node);
return (x > l && x < l + 10);
private bool IsImage (TreeNode node, int x)
if (ImageList == null)
return false;
int l = node.Bounds.Left;
l -= ImageList.ImageSize.Width + 5;
if (x >= l && x <= (l + ImageList.ImageSize.Width + 5))
return true;
return false;
private int CheckBoxLeft (TreeNode node)
int l = node.Bounds.Left + 5;
if (show_root_lines || node.Parent != null)
l -= indent;
if (!show_root_lines && node.Parent == null)
l -= indent;
if (ImageList != null)
l -= ImageList.ImageSize.Width + 3;
return l;
internal void RecalculateVisibleOrder (TreeNode start)
if (update_stack > 0)
int order;
if (start == null) {
start = root_node;
order = 0;
} else
order = start.visible_order;
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator walk = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (start);
while (walk.MoveNext ()) {
walk.CurrentNode.visible_order = order;
max_visible_order = order;
internal void SetTop (TreeNode node)
int order = 0;
if (node != null)
order = Math.Max (0, node.visible_order - 1);
if (!vbar.is_visible) {
skipped_nodes = order;
SetVScrollValue (Math.Min (order, vbar.Maximum - VisibleCount + 1));
internal void SetBottom (TreeNode node)
if (!vbar.is_visible)
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator walk = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (node);
int bottom = ViewportRectangle.Bottom;
int offset = 0;
while (walk.MovePrevious ()) {
if (walk.CurrentNode.Bounds.Bottom <= bottom)
int nv = vbar.Value + offset;
if (vbar.Value + offset < vbar.Maximum) {
SetVScrollValue (nv);
} else {
Console.Error.WriteLine ("setting bottom to value greater then maximum ({0}, {1})",
nv, vbar.Maximum);
internal void UpdateBelow (TreeNode node)
if (update_stack > 0) {
update_needed = true;
if (node == root_node) {
Invalidate (ViewportRectangle);
// We need to update the current node so the plus/minus block gets update too
int top = Math.Max (node.Bounds.Top - 1, 0);
Rectangle invalid = new Rectangle (0, top,
Width, Height - top);
Invalidate (invalid);
internal void UpdateNode (TreeNode node)
if (node == null)
if (update_stack > 0) {
update_needed = true;
if (node == root_node) {
Invalidate ();
Rectangle invalid = new Rectangle (0, node.Bounds.Top - 1, Width,
node.Bounds.Height + 1);
Invalidate (invalid);
internal void UpdateNodePlusMinus (TreeNode node)
if (update_stack > 0) {
update_needed = true;
int l = node.Bounds.Left + 5;
if (show_root_lines || node.Parent != null)
l -= indent;
if (ImageList != null)
l -= ImageList.ImageSize.Width + 3;
if (checkboxes)
l -= 19;
Invalidate (new Rectangle (l, node.Bounds.Top, 8, node.Bounds.Height));
internal override void OnPaintInternal (PaintEventArgs pe)
Draw (pe.ClipRectangle, pe.Graphics);
internal void CreateDashPen ()
dash = new Pen (LineColor, 1);
dash.DashStyle = DashStyle.Dot;
private void Draw (Rectangle clip, Graphics dc)
dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (BackColor), clip);
if (dash == null)
CreateDashPen ();
Rectangle viewport = ViewportRectangle;
Rectangle original_clip = clip;
if (clip.Bottom > viewport.Bottom)
clip.Height = viewport.Bottom - clip.Top;
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator walk = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (TopNode);
while (walk.MoveNext ()) {
TreeNode current = walk.CurrentNode;
// Haven't gotten to visible nodes yet
if (current.GetY () + ActualItemHeight < clip.Top)
// Past the visible nodes
if (current.GetY () > clip.Bottom)
DrawTreeNode (current, dc, clip);
if (hbar.Visible && vbar.Visible) {
Rectangle corner = new Rectangle (hbar.Right, vbar.Bottom, vbar.Width, hbar.Height);
if (original_clip.IntersectsWith (corner))
dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (ThemeEngine.Current.ColorControl),
private void DrawNodeState (TreeNode node, Graphics dc, int x, int y)
if (node.Checked) {
if (StateImageList.Images[1] != null)
dc.DrawImage (StateImageList.Images[1], new Rectangle (x, y, 16, 16));
} else {
if (StateImageList.Images[0] != null)
dc.DrawImage (StateImageList.Images[0], new Rectangle (x, y, 16, 16));
private void DrawNodeCheckBox (TreeNode node, Graphics dc, int x, int middle)
Pen pen = ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSizedPen(Color.Black, 2);
dc.DrawRectangle (pen, x + 3, middle - 4, 11, 11);
if (node.Checked) {
Pen check_pen = ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetPen(Color.Black);
int check_size = 5;
int lineWidth = 3;
Rectangle rect = new Rectangle (x + 4, middle - 3, check_size, check_size);
for (int i = 0; i < lineWidth; i++) {
dc.DrawLine (check_pen, rect.Left + 1, rect.Top + lineWidth + i, rect.Left + 3, rect.Top + 5 + i);
dc.DrawLine (check_pen, rect.Left + 3, rect.Top + 5 + i, rect.Left + 7, rect.Top + 1 + i);
private void DrawNodeLines (TreeNode node, Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, Pen dash, int x, int y, int middle)
int ladjust = 9;
int radjust = 0;
if (node.nodes.Count > 0 && show_plus_minus)
ladjust = 13;
if (checkboxes)
radjust = 3;
if (show_root_lines || node.Parent != null)
dc.DrawLine (dash, x - indent + ladjust, middle, x + radjust, middle);
if (node.PrevNode != null || node.Parent != null) {
ladjust = 9;
dc.DrawLine (dash, x - indent + ladjust, node.Bounds.Top,
x - indent + ladjust, middle - (show_plus_minus && node.Nodes.Count > 0 ? 4 : 0));
if (node.NextNode != null) {
ladjust = 9;
dc.DrawLine (dash, x - indent + ladjust, middle + (show_plus_minus && node.Nodes.Count > 0 ? 4 : 0),
x - indent + ladjust, node.Bounds.Bottom);
ladjust = 0;
if (show_plus_minus)
ladjust = 9;
TreeNode parent = node.Parent;
while (parent != null) {
if (parent.NextNode != null) {
int px = parent.GetLinesX () - indent + ladjust;
dc.DrawLine (dash, px, node.Bounds.Top, px, node.Bounds.Bottom);
parent = parent.Parent;
private void DrawNodeImage (TreeNode node, Graphics dc, Rectangle clip, int x, int y)
if (!RectsIntersect (clip, x, y, ImageList.ImageSize.Width, ImageList.ImageSize.Height))
int use_index = node.Image;
if (use_index > -1 && use_index < ImageList.Images.Count)
ImageList.Draw (dc, x, y, ImageList.ImageSize.Width, ImageList.ImageSize.Height, use_index);
private void LabelEditFinished (object sender, EventArgs e)
EndEdit (edit_node);
internal void BeginEdit (TreeNode node)
if (edit_node != null)
EndEdit (edit_node);
if (edit_text_box == null) {
edit_text_box = new LabelEditTextBox ();
edit_text_box.BorderStyle = BorderStyle.FixedSingle;
edit_text_box.Visible = false;
edit_text_box.EditingCancelled += new EventHandler (LabelEditCancelled);
edit_text_box.EditingFinished += new EventHandler (LabelEditFinished);
edit_text_box.TextChanged += new EventHandler (LabelTextChanged);
Widgets.Add (edit_text_box);
node.EnsureVisible ();
edit_text_box.Bounds = node.Bounds;
edit_text_box.Text = node.Text;
edit_text_box.Visible = true;
edit_text_box.Focus ();
edit_text_box.SelectAll ();
edit_args = new NodeLabelEditEventArgs (node);
OnBeforeLabelEdit (edit_args);
edit_node = node;
if (edit_args.CancelEdit) {
edit_node = null;
EndEdit (node);
private void LabelEditCancelled (object sender, EventArgs e)
edit_args.SetLabel (null);
EndEdit (edit_node);
private void LabelTextChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
int width = TextRenderer.MeasureTextInternal (edit_text_box.Text, edit_text_box.Font, false).Width + 4;
edit_text_box.Width = width;
if (edit_args != null)
edit_args.SetLabel (edit_text_box.Text);
internal void EndEdit (TreeNode node)
if (edit_text_box != null && edit_text_box.Visible) {
edit_text_box.Visible = false;
Focus ();
// If we get a call to BeginEdit from any AfterLabelEdit handler,
// the focus seems to always remain in the TreeView. This call seems
// to synchronize the focus events - I don't like it but it works
Application.DoEvents ();
if (edit_node != null && edit_node == node) {
edit_node = null;
NodeLabelEditEventArgs e = new NodeLabelEditEventArgs (edit_args.Node, edit_args.Label);
OnAfterLabelEdit (e);
if (e.CancelEdit)
if (e.Label != null)
e.Node.Text = e.Label;
// EndEdit ends editing even if not called on the editing node
edit_node = null;
UpdateNode (node);
internal void CancelEdit (TreeNode node)
edit_args.SetLabel (null);
if (edit_text_box != null && edit_text_box.Visible) {
edit_text_box.Visible = false;
Focus ();
edit_node = null;
UpdateNode (node);
internal int GetNodeWidth (TreeNode node)
Font font = node.NodeFont;
if (node.NodeFont == null)
font = Font;
return (int)TextRenderer.MeasureString (node.Text, font, 0, string_format).Width + 3;
private void DrawSelectionAndFocus(TreeNode node, Graphics dc, Rectangle r)
if (Focused && focused_node == node && !full_row_select) {
WidgetPaint.DrawFocusRectangle (dc, r, ForeColor, BackColor);
if (draw_mode != TreeViewDrawMode.Normal)
r.Inflate (-1, -1);
if (Focused && node == highlighted_node) {
// Use the node's BackColor if is not empty, and is not actually the selected one (yet)
Color back_color = node != selected_node && node.BackColor != Color.Empty ? node.BackColor :
dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (back_color), r);
} else if (!hide_selection && node == highlighted_node) {
dc.FillRectangle (SystemBrushes.Control, r);
} else {
// If selected_node is not the current highlighted one, use the color of the TreeView
Color back_color = node == selected_node ? BackColor : node.BackColor;
dc.FillRectangle (ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (back_color), r);
private void DrawStaticNode (TreeNode node, Graphics dc)
if (!full_row_select || show_lines)
DrawSelectionAndFocus(node, dc, node.Bounds);
Font font = node.NodeFont;
if (node.NodeFont == null)
font = Font;
Color text_color = (Focused && node == highlighted_node ?
ThemeEngine.Current.ColorHighlightText : node.ForeColor);
if (text_color.IsEmpty)
text_color = ForeColor;
dc.DrawString (node.Text, font,
ThemeEngine.Current.ResPool.GetSolidBrush (text_color),
node.Bounds, string_format);
private void DrawTreeNode (TreeNode node, Graphics dc, Rectangle clip)
int child_count = node.nodes.Count;
int y = node.GetY ();
int middle = y + (ActualItemHeight / 2);
if (full_row_select && !show_lines) {
Rectangle r = new Rectangle (1, y, ViewportRectangle.Width - 2, ActualItemHeight);
DrawSelectionAndFocus (node, dc, r);
if (draw_mode == TreeViewDrawMode.Normal || draw_mode == TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText) {
if ((show_root_lines || node.Parent != null) && show_plus_minus && child_count > 0)
ThemeEngine.Current.TreeViewDrawNodePlusMinus (this, node, dc, node.GetLinesX () - Indent + 5, middle);
if (checkboxes && state_image_list == null)
DrawNodeCheckBox (node, dc, CheckBoxLeft (node) - 3, middle);
if (checkboxes && state_image_list != null)
DrawNodeState (node, dc, CheckBoxLeft (node) - 3, y);
if (!checkboxes && node.StateImage != null)
dc.DrawImage (node.StateImage, new Rectangle (CheckBoxLeft (node) - 3, y, 16, 16));
if (show_lines)
DrawNodeLines (node, dc, clip, dash, node.GetLinesX (), y, middle);
if (ImageList != null)
DrawNodeImage (node, dc, clip, node.GetImageX (), y);
if (draw_mode != TreeViewDrawMode.Normal) {
dc.FillRectangle (Brushes.White, node.Bounds);
TreeNodeStates tree_node_state = TreeNodeStates.Default;;
if (node.IsSelected)
tree_node_state = TreeNodeStates.Selected;
if (node.Checked)
tree_node_state |= TreeNodeStates.Checked;
if (node == focused_node)
tree_node_state |= TreeNodeStates.Focused;
Rectangle node_bounds = node.Bounds;
if (draw_mode == TreeViewDrawMode.OwnerDrawText) {
node_bounds.X += 3;
node_bounds.Y += 1;
} else {
node_bounds.X = 0;
node_bounds.Width = Width;
DrawTreeNodeEventArgs e = new DrawTreeNodeEventArgs (dc, node, node_bounds, tree_node_state);
OnDrawNode (e);
if (!e.DrawDefault)
if (!node.IsEditing)
DrawStaticNode (node, dc);
internal void UpdateScrollBars (bool force)
if (!force && (IsDisposed || update_stack > 0 || !IsHandleCreated || !Visible))
bool vert = false;
bool horz = false;
int height = 0;
int width = -1;
int item_height = ActualItemHeight;
if (scrollable) {
OpenTreeNodeEnumerator walk = new OpenTreeNodeEnumerator (root_node);
while (walk.MoveNext ()) {
int r = walk.CurrentNode.Bounds.Right;
if (r > width)
width = r;
height += item_height;
height -= item_height; // root_node adjustment
width += hbar_offset;
if (height > ClientRectangle.Height) {
vert = true;
if (width > ClientRectangle.Width - SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth)
horz = true;
} else if (width > ClientRectangle.Width) {
horz = true;
if (!vert && horz && height > ClientRectangle.Height - SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight)
vert = true;
if (vert) {
int visible_height = horz ? ClientRectangle.Height - hbar.Height : ClientRectangle.Height;
vbar.SetValues (Math.Max (0, max_visible_order - 2), visible_height / ActualItemHeight);
vbar.Maximum = max_visible_order;
vbar.LargeChange = ClientRectangle.Height / ItemHeight;
if (!vbar_bounds_set) {
vbar.Bounds = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.Width - vbar.Width, 0, vbar.Width,
ClientRectangle.Height -
(horz ? SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth : 0));
vbar_bounds_set = true;
// We need to recalc the hbar if the vbar is now visible
hbar_bounds_set = false;
vbar.Visible = true;
if (skipped_nodes > 0) {
int skip = Math.Min (skipped_nodes, vbar.Maximum - VisibleCount + 1);
skipped_nodes = 0;
vbar.SafeValueSet (skip);
skipped_nodes = skip;
} else {
skipped_nodes = 0;
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
vbar.Visible = false;
SetVScrollValue (0);
vbar_bounds_set = false;
if (horz) {
hbar.SetValues (width + 1, ClientRectangle.Width - (vert ? SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth : 0));
hbar.LargeChange = ClientRectangle.Width;
hbar.Maximum = width + 1;
if (!hbar_bounds_set) {
hbar.Bounds = new Rectangle (0, ClientRectangle.Height - hbar.Height,
ClientRectangle.Width - (vert ? SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth : 0),
hbar_bounds_set = true;
hbar.Visible = true;
} else {
hbar_offset = 0;
hbar.Visible = false;
hbar_bounds_set = false;
private void SizeChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsHandleCreated) {
if (max_visible_order == -1)
RecalculateVisibleOrder (root_node);
UpdateScrollBars (false);
if (vbar.Visible) {
vbar.Bounds = new Rectangle (ClientRectangle.Width - vbar.Width, 0, vbar.Width,
ClientRectangle.Height - (hbar.Visible ? SystemInformation.HorizontalScrollBarHeight : 0));
if (hbar.Visible) {
hbar.Bounds = new Rectangle (0, ClientRectangle.Height - hbar.Height,
ClientRectangle.Width - (vbar.Visible ? SystemInformation.VerticalScrollBarWidth : 0), hbar.Height);
private void VScrollBarValueChanged (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (edit_node != null)
EndEdit (edit_node);
SetVScrollPos (vbar.Value, null);
private void SetVScrollPos (int pos, TreeNode new_top)
if (!vbar.VisibleInternal)
if (pos < 0)
pos = 0;
if (skipped_nodes == pos)
int diff = skipped_nodes - pos;
skipped_nodes = pos;
if (!IsHandleCreated)
int y_move = diff * ActualItemHeight;
XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, ViewportRectangle, 0, y_move, false);
/*private void SetVScrollTop (TreeNode new_top)
vbar.Value = new_top.visible_order - VisibleCount;
private void HScrollBarValueChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
if (edit_node != null)
EndEdit (edit_node);
int old_offset = hbar_offset;
hbar_offset = hbar.Value;
if (hbar_offset < 0) {
hbar_offset = 0;
XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, ViewportRectangle, old_offset - hbar_offset, 0, false);
internal void ExpandBelow (TreeNode node, int count_to_next)
if (update_stack > 0) {
update_needed = true;
// If node Bottom is less than 0, the node is above and not visible,
// and we need to scroll the entire viewport
int node_bottom = node.Bounds.Bottom >= 0 ? node.Bounds.Bottom : 0;
Rectangle below = new Rectangle (0, node_bottom, ViewportRectangle.Width,
ViewportRectangle.Height - node_bottom);
int amount = count_to_next * ActualItemHeight;
if (amount > 0)
XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, below, 0, amount, false);
if (show_plus_minus) {
Invalidate (new Rectangle (0, node.GetY (), Width, ActualItemHeight));
internal void CollapseBelow (TreeNode node, int count_to_next)
if (update_stack > 0) {
update_needed = true;
Rectangle below = new Rectangle (0, node.Bounds.Bottom, ViewportRectangle.Width,
ViewportRectangle.Height - node.Bounds.Bottom);
int amount = count_to_next * ActualItemHeight;
if (amount > 0)
XplatUI.ScrollWindow (Handle, below, 0, -amount, false);
if (show_plus_minus) {
Invalidate (new Rectangle (0, node.GetY (), Width, ActualItemHeight));
private void MouseWheelHandler(object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
if (vbar == null || !vbar.is_visible) {
if (e.Delta < 0) {
SetVScrollValue (Math.Min (vbar.Value + SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines, vbar.Maximum - VisibleCount + 1));
} else {
SetVScrollValue (Math.Max (0, vbar.Value - SystemInformation.MouseWheelScrollLines));
private void VisibleChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (Visible) {
UpdateScrollBars (false);
private void FontChangedHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (IsHandleCreated) {
TreeNode top = TopNode;
InvalidateNodeWidthRecursive (root_node);
SetTop (top);
private void InvalidateNodeWidthRecursive (TreeNode node)
node.InvalidateWidth ();
foreach (TreeNode child in node.Nodes) {
InvalidateNodeWidthRecursive (child);
private void GotFocusHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
if (selected_node == null) {
if (pre_selected_node != null) {
SelectedNode = pre_selected_node;
SelectedNode = TopNode;
} else if (selected_node != null)
UpdateNode (selected_node);
private void LostFocusHandler (object sender, EventArgs e)
UpdateNode (SelectedNode);
private void MouseDownHandler (object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right)
Focus ();
TreeNode node = GetNodeAt (e.Y);
if (node == null)
mouse_click_node = node;
if (show_plus_minus && IsPlusMinusArea (node, e.X) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
node.Toggle ();
} else if (checkboxes && IsCheckboxArea (node, e.X) && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
node.check_reason = TreeViewAction.ByMouse;
node.Checked = !node.Checked;
} else if (IsSelectableArea (node, e.X) || full_row_select) {
TreeNode old_highlighted = highlighted_node;
highlighted_node = node;
if (label_edit && e.Clicks == 1 && highlighted_node == old_highlighted && e.Button == MouseButtons.Left) {
BeginEdit (node);
} else if (highlighted_node != focused_node) {
Size ds = SystemInformation.DragSize;
mouse_rect.X = e.X - ds.Width;
mouse_rect.Y = e.Y - ds.Height;
mouse_rect.Width = ds.Width * 2;
mouse_rect.Height = ds.Height * 2;
select_mmove = true;
Invalidate (highlighted_node.Bounds);
if (old_highlighted != null)
Invalidate (Bloat (old_highlighted.Bounds));
drag_begin_x = e.X;
drag_begin_y = e.Y;
private void MouseUpHandler (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
TreeNode node = GetNodeAt (e.Y);
if (node != null && node == mouse_click_node) {
if (e.Clicks == 2)
OnNodeMouseDoubleClick (new TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs (node, e.Button, e.Clicks, e.X, e.Y));
OnNodeMouseClick (new TreeNodeMouseClickEventArgs (node, e.Button, e.Clicks, e.X, e.Y));
mouse_click_node = null;
drag_begin_x = -1;
drag_begin_y = -1;
if (!select_mmove)
select_mmove = false;
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Right && selected_node != null) {
Invalidate (highlighted_node.Bounds);
highlighted_node = selected_node;
Invalidate (selected_node.Bounds);
TreeViewCancelEventArgs ce = new TreeViewCancelEventArgs (highlighted_node, false, TreeViewAction.ByMouse);
OnBeforeSelect (ce);
Rectangle invalid;
if (!ce.Cancel) {
TreeNode prev_focused_node = focused_node;
TreeNode prev_highlighted_node = highlighted_node;
selected_node = highlighted_node;
focused_node = highlighted_node;
OnAfterSelect (new TreeViewEventArgs (selected_node, TreeViewAction.ByMouse));
if (prev_highlighted_node != null) {
if (prev_focused_node != null) {
invalid = Rectangle.Union (Bloat (prev_focused_node.Bounds),
Bloat (prev_highlighted_node.Bounds));
} else {
invalid = Bloat (prev_highlighted_node.Bounds);
invalid.X = 0;
invalid.Width = ViewportRectangle.Width;
Invalidate (invalid);
} else {
if (highlighted_node != null)
Invalidate (highlighted_node.Bounds);
highlighted_node = focused_node;
selected_node = focused_node;
if (selected_node != null)
Invalidate (selected_node.Bounds);
private void MouseMoveHandler (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
// XXX - This should use HitTest and only fire when we are over
// the important parts of a node, not things like gridlines or
// whitespace
TreeNode tn = GetNodeAt (e.Location);
if (tn != tooltip_currently_showing)
MouseLeftItem (tooltip_currently_showing);
if (tn != null && tn != tooltip_currently_showing)
MouseEnteredItem (tn);
if (e.Button == MouseButtons.Left || e.Button == MouseButtons.Right) {
if (drag_begin_x != -1 && drag_begin_y != -1) {
double rise = Math.Pow (drag_begin_x - e.X, 2);
double run = Math.Pow (drag_begin_y - e.Y, 2);
double move = Math.Sqrt (rise + run);
if (move > 3) {
TreeNode drag = GetNodeAtUseX (e.X, e.Y);
if (drag != null) {
OnItemDrag (new ItemDragEventArgs (e.Button, drag));
drag_begin_x = -1;
drag_begin_y = -1;
// If there is enough movement before the mouse comes up,
// selection is reverted back to the originally selected node
if (!select_mmove || mouse_rect.Contains (e.X, e.Y))
Invalidate (highlighted_node.Bounds);
if (selected_node != null)
Invalidate (selected_node.Bounds);
if (focused_node != null)
Invalidate (focused_node.Bounds);
highlighted_node = selected_node;
focused_node = selected_node;
select_mmove = false;
private void DoubleClickHandler (object sender, MouseEventArgs e) {
TreeNode node = GetNodeAtUseX (e.X,e.Y);
if(node != null && node.Nodes.Count > 0) {
private bool RectsIntersect (Rectangle r, int left, int top, int width, int height)
return !((r.Left > left + width) || (r.Right < left) ||
(r.Top > top + height) || (r.Bottom < top));
// Return true if message was handled, false to send it to base
private bool WmContextMenu (ref Message m)
Point pt;
TreeNode tn;
pt = new Point (LowOrder ((int)m.LParam.ToInt32 ()), HighOrder ((int)m.LParam.ToInt32 ()));
// This means it's a keyboard menu request
if (pt.X == -1 || pt.Y == -1) {
tn = SelectedNode;
if (tn == null)
return false;
pt = new Point (tn.Bounds.Left, tn.Bounds.Top + (tn.Bounds.Height / 2));
} else {
pt = PointToClient (pt);
tn = GetNodeAt (pt);
if (tn == null)
return false;
if (tn.ContextMenuStrip != null) {
tn.ContextMenuStrip.Show (this, pt);
return true;
// The node we found did not have its own menu, let the parent try to display its menu
return false;
#region Stuff for ToolTips
private void MouseEnteredItem (TreeNode item)
tooltip_currently_showing = item;
if (!is_hovering)
if (ShowNodeToolTips && !string.IsNullOrEmpty (tooltip_currently_showing.ToolTipText))
ToolTipWindow.Present (this, tooltip_currently_showing.ToolTipText);
OnNodeMouseHover (new TreeNodeMouseHoverEventArgs (tooltip_currently_showing));
private void MouseLeftItem (TreeNode item)
ToolTipWindow.Hide (this);
tooltip_currently_showing = null;
private ToolTip ToolTipWindow {
get {
if (tooltip_window == null)
tooltip_window = new ToolTip ();
return tooltip_window;
#endregion // Internal & Private Methods and Properties
#region Events
static object ItemDragEvent = new object ();
static object AfterCheckEvent = new object ();
static object AfterCollapseEvent = new object ();
static object AfterExpandEvent = new object ();
static object AfterLabelEditEvent = new object ();
static object AfterSelectEvent = new object ();
static object BeforeCheckEvent = new object ();
static object BeforeCollapseEvent = new object ();
static object BeforeExpandEvent = new object ();
static object BeforeLabelEditEvent = new object ();
static object BeforeSelectEvent = new object ();
static object DrawNodeEvent = new object ();
static object NodeMouseClickEvent = new object ();
static object NodeMouseDoubleClickEvent = new object();
static object NodeMouseHoverEvent = new object ();
static object RightToLeftLayoutChangedEvent = new object ();
public event ItemDragEventHandler ItemDrag {
add { Events.AddHandler (ItemDragEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (ItemDragEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewEventHandler AfterCheck {
add { Events.AddHandler (AfterCheckEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AfterCheckEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewEventHandler AfterCollapse {
add { Events.AddHandler (AfterCollapseEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AfterCollapseEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewEventHandler AfterExpand {
add { Events.AddHandler (AfterExpandEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AfterExpandEvent, value); }
public event NodeLabelEditEventHandler AfterLabelEdit {
add { Events.AddHandler (AfterLabelEditEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AfterLabelEditEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewEventHandler AfterSelect {
add { Events.AddHandler (AfterSelectEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (AfterSelectEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewCancelEventHandler BeforeCheck {
add { Events.AddHandler (BeforeCheckEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BeforeCheckEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewCancelEventHandler BeforeCollapse {
add { Events.AddHandler (BeforeCollapseEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BeforeCollapseEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewCancelEventHandler BeforeExpand {
add { Events.AddHandler (BeforeExpandEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BeforeExpandEvent, value); }
public event NodeLabelEditEventHandler BeforeLabelEdit {
add { Events.AddHandler (BeforeLabelEditEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BeforeLabelEditEvent, value); }
public event TreeViewCancelEventHandler BeforeSelect {
add { Events.AddHandler (BeforeSelectEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (BeforeSelectEvent, value); }
public event DrawTreeNodeEventHandler DrawNode {
add { Events.AddHandler (DrawNodeEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (DrawNodeEvent, value); }
public event TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler NodeMouseClick {
add { Events.AddHandler (NodeMouseClickEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (NodeMouseClickEvent, value); }
public event TreeNodeMouseClickEventHandler NodeMouseDoubleClick {
add { Events.AddHandler (NodeMouseDoubleClickEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (NodeMouseDoubleClickEvent, value); }
public event TreeNodeMouseHoverEventHandler NodeMouseHover {
add { Events.AddHandler (NodeMouseHoverEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (NodeMouseHoverEvent, value); }
public event EventHandler RightToLeftLayoutChanged {
add { Events.AddHandler (RightToLeftLayoutChangedEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (RightToLeftLayoutChangedEvent, value); }
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageChanged {
add { base.BackgroundImageChanged += value; }
remove { base.BackgroundImageChanged -= value; }
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public new event EventHandler BackgroundImageLayoutChanged {
add { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged += value; }
remove { base.BackgroundImageLayoutChanged -= value; }
[Browsable (false)]
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
public new event EventHandler PaddingChanged {
add { base.PaddingChanged += value; }
remove { base.PaddingChanged -= value; }
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
[Browsable (false)]
public new event PaintEventHandler Paint {
add { base.Paint += value; }
remove { base.Paint -= value; }
//[EditorBrowsable (EditorBrowsableState.Never)]
[Browsable (false)]
public new event EventHandler TextChanged {
add { base.TextChanged += value; }
remove { base.TextChanged -= value; }
#region UIA Framework Events
static object UIACheckBoxesChangedEvent = new object ();
internal event EventHandler UIACheckBoxesChanged {
add { Events.AddHandler (UIACheckBoxesChangedEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UIACheckBoxesChangedEvent, value); }
internal void OnUIACheckBoxesChanged (EventArgs e)
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [UIACheckBoxesChangedEvent];
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
static object UIALabelEditChangedEvent = new object ();
internal event EventHandler UIALabelEditChanged {
add { Events.AddHandler (UIALabelEditChangedEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UIALabelEditChangedEvent, value); }
internal void OnUIALabelEditChanged (EventArgs e)
EventHandler eh = (EventHandler) Events [UIALabelEditChangedEvent];
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
static object UIANodeTextChangedEvent = new object ();
internal event TreeViewEventHandler UIANodeTextChanged {
add { Events.AddHandler (UIANodeTextChangedEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UIANodeTextChangedEvent, value); }
internal void OnUIANodeTextChanged (TreeViewEventArgs e)
TreeViewEventHandler eh =
(TreeViewEventHandler) Events [UIANodeTextChangedEvent];
if (eh != null)
eh (this, e);
static object UIACollectionChangedEvent = new object ();
internal event CollectionChangeEventHandler UIACollectionChanged {
add { Events.AddHandler (UIACollectionChangedEvent, value); }
remove { Events.RemoveHandler (UIACollectionChangedEvent, value); }
internal void OnUIACollectionChanged (object sender, CollectionChangeEventArgs e)
CollectionChangeEventHandler eh =
(CollectionChangeEventHandler) Events [UIACollectionChangedEvent];
if (eh != null) {
if (sender == root_node)
sender = this;
eh (sender, e);
#endregion // UIA Framework Events
#endregion // Events