Enjoyed ShiftOS? Want to see more games and projects from Michael? Why not visit his website at http://michael.playshiftos.ml?
== Special Thanks ==
On behalf of the ShiftOS development team, we would love to thank the following amazing people and groups:
- Microsoft BizSpark, Azure, and MSDN
- Philip Adams, a.k.a OSFirstTimer
- All the amazing people on the ShiftOS Forums
Without your help, ShiftOS just wouldn't be what it is today. It probably wouldn't exist if it weren't for OSFirstTimer, and without BizSpark and Azure hosting our website and servers, you wouldn't be able to hear the amazing music you hear right now. That, and without the amazing people at the ShiftOS community bringing us new ideas, suggestions, bug reports, and being generally nice people, the project wouldn't get as far as it has.
And finally, we want to thank you, #USER#, for giving our game a try. We hope you enjoyed and continue to enjoy it!