2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
namespace ShiftOS
partial class HackUI
/// <summary>
/// Required designer variable.
/// </summary>
private System . ComponentModel . IContainer components = null ;
/// <summary>
/// Clean up any resources being used.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="disposing">true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false.</param>
protected override void Dispose ( bool disposing )
if ( disposing & & ( components ! = null ) )
components . Dispose ( ) ;
base . Dispose ( disposing ) ;
#region Windows Form Designer generated code
/// <summary>
/// Required method for Designer support - do not modify
/// the contents of this method with the code editor.
/// </summary>
private void InitializeComponent ( )
this . components = new System . ComponentModel . Container ( ) ;
System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager resources = new System . ComponentModel . ComponentResourceManager ( typeof ( HackUI ) ) ;
this . tbui = new System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel ( ) ;
this . pnlenemy = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbenemycompromised = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbenemystats = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . txtyourconsole = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . pnlyou = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbcompromised = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbstats = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . txtenemyconsole = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
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this . btnnext = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
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this . pnlbuy = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . txthostname = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . lbhostname = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . txtgrade = new System . Windows . Forms . TextBox ( ) ;
this . lbgrade = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbmoduleinfo = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . cmbbuyable = new System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox ( ) ;
this . label4 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . btndonebuying = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . btnbuy = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . label3 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . cmbmodules = new System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox ( ) ;
this . label1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . button1 = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbtargets = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . btnpoweroff = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . btnupgrade = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . lbpcinfo = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lbmoduletitle = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . btncloseinfo = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . flcontrols = new System . Windows . Forms . FlowLayoutPanel ( ) ;
this . btnaddmodule = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . lbcodepoints = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . btntogglemusic = new System . Windows . Forms . Button ( ) ;
this . lbsong = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . panel2 = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
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this . pgpong = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lblcountdown = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . ball = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . paddleHuman = new System . Windows . Forms . PictureBox ( ) ;
this . paddleComputer = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbllevelandtime = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lblstatsY = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
this . lblstatsX = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
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this . pnltutorial = new System . Windows . Forms . Panel ( ) ;
this . lbtutorial = new System . Windows . Forms . Label ( ) ;
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this . tmrplayerhealthdetect = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
this . tmrenemyhealthdetect = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
this . tmrredraw = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
this . tmrvisualizer = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
this . pongGameTimer = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
this . counter = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
this . tmrcountdown = new System . Windows . Forms . Timer ( this . components ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . tbui . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlenemy . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlyou . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlbuy . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . flcontrols . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
this . panel2 . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
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this . pgpong . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . paddleHuman ) ) . BeginInit ( ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnltutorial . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . SuspendLayout ( ) ;
// tbui
this . tbui . CellBorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanelCellBorderStyle . Single ;
this . tbui . ColumnCount = 2 ;
this . tbui . ColumnStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . ColumnStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 50F ) ) ;
this . tbui . ColumnStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . ColumnStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 50F ) ) ;
this . tbui . Controls . Add ( this . pnlenemy , 1 , 1 ) ;
this . tbui . Controls . Add ( this . txtyourconsole , 0 , 1 ) ;
this . tbui . Controls . Add ( this . pnlyou , 0 , 0 ) ;
this . tbui . Controls . Add ( this . txtenemyconsole , 1 , 0 ) ;
this . tbui . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . tbui . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . tbui . Name = "tbui" ;
this . tbui . RowCount = 2 ;
this . tbui . RowStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . RowStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 50F ) ) ;
this . tbui . RowStyles . Add ( new System . Windows . Forms . RowStyle ( System . Windows . Forms . SizeType . Percent , 50F ) ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . tbui . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1339 , 710 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . tbui . TabIndex = 0 ;
// pnlenemy
this . pnlenemy . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . pnlenemy . Controls . Add ( this . lbenemycompromised ) ;
this . pnlenemy . Controls . Add ( this . lbenemystats ) ;
this . pnlenemy . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . pnlenemy . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Lucida Console" , 8.25F ) ;
this . pnlenemy . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnlenemy . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 673 , 358 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnlenemy . Name = "pnlenemy" ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnlenemy . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 662 , 348 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnlenemy . TabIndex = 4 ;
// lbenemycompromised
this . lbenemycompromised . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbenemycompromised . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 161 , 90 ) ;
this . lbenemycompromised . Name = "lbenemycompromised" ;
this . lbenemycompromised . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 47 , 11 ) ;
this . lbenemycompromised . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . lbenemycompromised . Text = "label1" ;
this . lbenemycompromised . Visible = false ;
// lbenemystats
this . lbenemystats . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbenemystats . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 13 ) ;
this . lbenemystats . Name = "lbenemystats" ;
this . lbenemystats . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 131 , 11 ) ;
this . lbenemystats . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . lbenemystats . Text = "Enemy Health: 100%" ;
// txtyourconsole
this . txtyourconsole . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . txtyourconsole . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . BorderStyle . None ;
this . txtyourconsole . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . txtyourconsole . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . LightGreen ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . txtyourconsole . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 4 , 358 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . txtyourconsole . Multiline = true ;
this . txtyourconsole . Name = "txtyourconsole" ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . txtyourconsole . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 662 , 348 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . txtyourconsole . TabIndex = 3 ;
// pnlyou
this . pnlyou . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . pnlyou . Controls . Add ( this . lbcompromised ) ;
this . pnlyou . Controls . Add ( this . lbstats ) ;
this . pnlyou . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . pnlyou . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Lucida Console" , 8.25F ) ;
this . pnlyou . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . pnlyou . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 4 , 4 ) ;
this . pnlyou . Name = "pnlyou" ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnlyou . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 662 , 347 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnlyou . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . pnlyou . MouseDown + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . playfield_MouseDown ) ;
// lbcompromised
this . lbcompromised . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbcompromised . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 66 , 88 ) ;
this . lbcompromised . Name = "lbcompromised" ;
this . lbcompromised . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 103 , 11 ) ;
this . lbcompromised . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . lbcompromised . Text = "SYSTEM DAMAGED" ;
this . lbcompromised . Visible = false ;
// lbstats
this . lbstats . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbstats . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 13 , 13 ) ;
this . lbstats . Name = "lbstats" ;
this . lbstats . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 138 , 11 ) ;
this . lbstats . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . lbstats . Text = "System Health: 100%" ;
// txtenemyconsole
this . txtenemyconsole . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . txtenemyconsole . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . BorderStyle . None ;
this . txtenemyconsole . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . txtenemyconsole . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . LightGreen ;
this . txtenemyconsole . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 673 , 4 ) ;
this . txtenemyconsole . Multiline = true ;
this . txtenemyconsole . Name = "txtenemyconsole" ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . txtenemyconsole . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 662 , 347 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . txtenemyconsole . TabIndex = 2 ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
// btnnext
this . btnnext . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btnnext . AutoSize = true ;
this . btnnext . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btnnext . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btnnext . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 294 , 161 ) ;
this . btnnext . Name = "btnnext" ;
this . btnnext . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 66 , 23 ) ;
this . btnnext . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . btnnext . Text = "Next >>" ;
this . btnnext . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btnnext . Visible = false ;
this . btnnext . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btnnext_Click ) ;
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// pnlbuy
this . pnlbuy . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left ) ) ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . txthostname ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . lbhostname ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . txtgrade ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . lbgrade ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . lbmoduleinfo ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . cmbbuyable ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . label4 ) ;
this . pnlbuy . Controls . Add ( this . btndonebuying ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnlbuy . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 7 , 405 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnlbuy . Name = "pnlbuy" ;
this . pnlbuy . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 382 , 299 ) ;
this . pnlbuy . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . pnlbuy . Visible = false ;
// txthostname
this . txthostname . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . txthostname . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . BorderStyle . FixedSingle ;
this . txthostname . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . txthostname . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 186 , 236 ) ;
this . txthostname . Name = "txthostname" ;
this . txthostname . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 186 , 18 ) ;
this . txthostname . TabIndex = 10 ;
// lbhostname
this . lbhostname . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbhostname . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 112 , 240 ) ;
this . lbhostname . Name = "lbhostname" ;
this . lbhostname . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 68 , 11 ) ;
this . lbhostname . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . lbhostname . Text = "Hostname:" ;
// txtgrade
this . txtgrade . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . txtgrade . BorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . BorderStyle . FixedSingle ;
this . txtgrade . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . txtgrade . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 65 , 236 ) ;
this . txtgrade . Name = "txtgrade" ;
this . txtgrade . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 40 , 18 ) ;
this . txtgrade . TabIndex = 8 ;
this . txtgrade . TextChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . txtgrade_TextChanged ) ;
// lbgrade
this . lbgrade . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbgrade . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 240 ) ;
this . lbgrade . Name = "lbgrade" ;
this . lbgrade . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 47 , 11 ) ;
this . lbgrade . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . lbgrade . Text = "Grade:" ;
// lbmoduleinfo
this . lbmoduleinfo . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 63 ) ;
this . lbmoduleinfo . Name = "lbmoduleinfo" ;
this . lbmoduleinfo . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 367 , 156 ) ;
this . lbmoduleinfo . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . lbmoduleinfo . Text = resources . GetString ( "lbmoduleinfo.Text" ) ;
// cmbbuyable
this . cmbbuyable . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . cmbbuyable . DropDownStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ComboBoxStyle . DropDownList ;
this . cmbbuyable . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . cmbbuyable . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . cmbbuyable . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . cmbbuyable . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 38 ) ;
this . cmbbuyable . Name = "cmbbuyable" ;
this . cmbbuyable . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 360 , 19 ) ;
this . cmbbuyable . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . cmbbuyable . SelectedIndexChanged + = new System . EventHandler ( this . cmbbuyable_SelectedIndexChanged ) ;
// label4
this . label4 . AutoSize = true ;
this . label4 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 12 ) ;
this . label4 . Name = "label4" ;
this . label4 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 75 , 11 ) ;
this . label4 . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . label4 . Text = "Buy Module" ;
// btndonebuying
this . btndonebuying . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btndonebuying . AutoSize = true ;
this . btndonebuying . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btndonebuying . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btndonebuying . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 341 , 273 ) ;
this . btndonebuying . Name = "btndonebuying" ;
this . btndonebuying . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 38 , 23 ) ;
this . btndonebuying . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . btndonebuying . Text = "Buy" ;
this . btndonebuying . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btndonebuying . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btndonebuying_Click ) ;
// pnldefensemanager
this . pnldefensemanager . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left ) ) ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Controls . Add ( this . btnbuy ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Controls . Add ( this . label3 ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Controls . Add ( this . cmbmodules ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Controls . Add ( this . label1 ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Controls . Add ( this . button1 ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnldefensemanager . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 395 , 424 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnldefensemanager . Name = "pnldefensemanager" ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 382 , 280 ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . TabIndex = 5 ;
this . pnldefensemanager . Visible = false ;
// btnbuy
this . btnbuy . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btnbuy . AutoSize = true ;
this . btnbuy . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btnbuy . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btnbuy . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 199 , 254 ) ;
this . btnbuy . Name = "btnbuy" ;
this . btnbuy . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 122 , 23 ) ;
this . btnbuy . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . btnbuy . Text = "Buy new module." ;
this . btnbuy . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btnbuy . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btnbuy_Click ) ;
// label3
this . label3 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 95 ) ;
this . label3 . Name = "label3" ;
this . label3 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 367 , 156 ) ;
this . label3 . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . label3 . Text = resources . GetString ( "label3.Text" ) ;
// cmbmodules
this . cmbmodules . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . cmbmodules . DropDownStyle = System . Windows . Forms . ComboBoxStyle . DropDownList ;
this . cmbmodules . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . cmbmodules . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . cmbmodules . FormattingEnabled = true ;
this . cmbmodules . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 38 ) ;
this . cmbmodules . Name = "cmbmodules" ;
this . cmbmodules . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 360 , 19 ) ;
this . cmbmodules . TabIndex = 3 ;
// label1
this . label1 . AutoSize = true ;
this . label1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 12 ) ;
this . label1 . Name = "label1" ;
this . label1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 75 , 11 ) ;
this . label1 . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . label1 . Text = "Add Module" ;
// button1
this . button1 . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . button1 . AutoSize = true ;
this . button1 . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . button1 . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . button1 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 327 , 254 ) ;
this . button1 . Name = "button1" ;
this . button1 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 52 , 23 ) ;
this . button1 . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . button1 . Text = "Done." ;
this . button1 . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . button1 . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . button1_Click_1 ) ;
// pnlpcinfo
this . pnlpcinfo . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . lbtargets ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . btnpoweroff ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . btnupgrade ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . lbpcinfo ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . lbmoduletitle ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Controls . Add ( this . btncloseinfo ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnlpcinfo . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 783 , 424 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . pnlpcinfo . Name = "pnlpcinfo" ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 382 , 280 ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . pnlpcinfo . Visible = false ;
// lbtargets
this . lbtargets . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 165 ) ;
this . lbtargets . Name = "lbtargets" ;
this . lbtargets . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 367 , 86 ) ;
this . lbtargets . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . lbtargets . Text = "Targets" ;
// btnpoweroff
this . btnpoweroff . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btnpoweroff . AutoSize = true ;
this . btnpoweroff . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btnpoweroff . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btnpoweroff . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 85 , 254 ) ;
this . btnpoweroff . Name = "btnpoweroff" ;
this . btnpoweroff . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 80 , 23 ) ;
this . btnpoweroff . TabIndex = 8 ;
this . btnpoweroff . Text = "Power Off" ;
this . btnpoweroff . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btnpoweroff . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btnpoweroff_Click ) ;
// btnupgrade
this . btnupgrade . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btnupgrade . AutoSize = true ;
this . btnupgrade . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btnupgrade . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btnupgrade . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 171 , 254 ) ;
this . btnupgrade . Name = "btnupgrade" ;
this . btnupgrade . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 150 , 23 ) ;
this . btnupgrade . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . btnupgrade . Text = "Upgrade This Module" ;
this . btnupgrade . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btnupgrade . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btnupgrade_Click ) ;
// lbpcinfo
this . lbpcinfo . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 12 , 41 ) ;
this . lbpcinfo . Name = "lbpcinfo" ;
this . lbpcinfo . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 367 , 86 ) ;
this . lbpcinfo . TabIndex = 6 ;
this . lbpcinfo . Text = resources . GetString ( "lbpcinfo.Text" ) ;
// lbmoduletitle
this . lbmoduletitle . AutoSize = true ;
this . lbmoduletitle . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 12 ) ;
this . lbmoduletitle . Name = "lbmoduletitle" ;
this . lbmoduletitle . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 75 , 11 ) ;
this . lbmoduletitle . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . lbmoduletitle . Text = "Add Module" ;
// btncloseinfo
this . btncloseinfo . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . btncloseinfo . AutoSize = true ;
this . btncloseinfo . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btncloseinfo . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btncloseinfo . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 327 , 254 ) ;
this . btncloseinfo . Name = "btncloseinfo" ;
this . btncloseinfo . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 52 , 23 ) ;
this . btncloseinfo . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . btncloseinfo . Text = "Done." ;
this . btncloseinfo . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btncloseinfo . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btncloseinfo_Click ) ;
// flcontrols
this . flcontrols . Controls . Add ( this . btnaddmodule ) ;
this . flcontrols . Controls . Add ( this . lbcodepoints ) ;
this . flcontrols . Controls . Add ( this . btntogglemusic ) ;
this . flcontrols . Controls . Add ( this . lbsong ) ;
this . flcontrols . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Bottom ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . flcontrols . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 710 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . flcontrols . Name = "flcontrols" ;
this . flcontrols . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1339 , 31 ) ;
this . flcontrols . TabIndex = 4 ;
// btnaddmodule
this . btnaddmodule . AutoSize = true ;
this . btnaddmodule . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btnaddmodule . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btnaddmodule . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 3 ) ;
this . btnaddmodule . Name = "btnaddmodule" ;
this . btnaddmodule . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 87 , 23 ) ;
this . btnaddmodule . TabIndex = 0 ;
this . btnaddmodule . Text = "Add Module" ;
this . btnaddmodule . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btnaddmodule . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . btnaddmodule_Click ) ;
// lbcodepoints
this . lbcodepoints . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 96 , 0 ) ;
this . lbcodepoints . Name = "lbcodepoints" ;
this . lbcodepoints . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 127 , 26 ) ;
this . lbcodepoints . TabIndex = 1 ;
this . lbcodepoints . Text = "Codepoints:" ;
this . lbcodepoints . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleLeft ;
// btntogglemusic
this . btntogglemusic . AutoSize = true ;
this . btntogglemusic . AutoSizeMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoSizeMode . GrowAndShrink ;
this . btntogglemusic . FlatStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FlatStyle . Flat ;
this . btntogglemusic . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 229 , 3 ) ;
this . btntogglemusic . Name = "btntogglemusic" ;
this . btntogglemusic . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 101 , 23 ) ;
this . btntogglemusic . TabIndex = 2 ;
this . btntogglemusic . Text = "Toggle Music" ;
this . btntogglemusic . UseVisualStyleBackColor = true ;
this . btntogglemusic . Click + = new System . EventHandler ( this . button2_Click ) ;
// lbsong
this . lbsong . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 336 , 0 ) ;
this . lbsong . Name = "lbsong" ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
this . lbsong . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 414 , 26 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . lbsong . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . lbsong . Text = "Codepoints:" ;
this . lbsong . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleLeft ;
// panel2
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . pgpong ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . pnltutorial ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . pnlbuy ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . pnlpcinfo ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . pnldefensemanager ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . tbui ) ;
this . panel2 . Controls . Add ( this . flcontrols ) ;
this . panel2 . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Fill ;
this . panel2 . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . panel2 . Name = "panel2" ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . panel2 . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1339 , 741 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . panel2 . TabIndex = 1 ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
// pgpong
this . pgpong . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . lblcountdown ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . ball ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . paddleHuman ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . paddleComputer ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . lbllevelandtime ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . lblstatsY ) ;
this . pgpong . Controls . Add ( this . lblstatsX ) ;
this . pgpong . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . White ;
this . pgpong . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . pgpong . Name = "pgpong" ;
this . pgpong . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 700 , 400 ) ;
this . pgpong . TabIndex = 22 ;
this . pgpong . Visible = false ;
this . pgpong . MouseMove + = new System . Windows . Forms . MouseEventHandler ( this . pongMain_MouseMove ) ;
// lblcountdown
this . lblcountdown . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 24F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . lblcountdown . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 187 , 152 ) ;
this . lblcountdown . Name = "lblcountdown" ;
this . lblcountdown . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 315 , 49 ) ;
this . lblcountdown . TabIndex = 7 ;
this . lblcountdown . Text = "3" ;
this . lblcountdown . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . lblcountdown . Visible = false ;
// ball
this . ball . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Gray ;
this . ball . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 300 , 152 ) ;
this . ball . Name = "ball" ;
this . ball . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 20 , 20 ) ;
this . ball . TabIndex = 2 ;
// paddleHuman
this . paddleHuman . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Gray ;
this . paddleHuman . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 10 , 134 ) ;
this . paddleHuman . Name = "paddleHuman" ;
this . paddleHuman . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 20 , 100 ) ;
this . paddleHuman . TabIndex = 3 ;
this . paddleHuman . TabStop = false ;
// paddleComputer
this . paddleComputer . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom )
| System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . paddleComputer . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Gray ;
this . paddleComputer . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 666 , 134 ) ;
this . paddleComputer . MaximumSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 20 , 100 ) ;
this . paddleComputer . Name = "paddleComputer" ;
this . paddleComputer . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 20 , 100 ) ;
this . paddleComputer . TabIndex = 1 ;
// lbllevelandtime
this . lbllevelandtime . Dock = System . Windows . Forms . DockStyle . Top ;
this . lbllevelandtime . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Microsoft Sans Serif" , 12F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Bold , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . lbllevelandtime . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 0 , 0 ) ;
this . lbllevelandtime . Name = "lbllevelandtime" ;
this . lbllevelandtime . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 700 , 22 ) ;
this . lbllevelandtime . TabIndex = 4 ;
this . lbllevelandtime . Text = "Level: 1" ;
this . lbllevelandtime . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
// lblstatsY
this . lblstatsY . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . lblstatsY . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Georgia" , 14.25F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . lblstatsY . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 542 , 356 ) ;
this . lblstatsY . Name = "lblstatsY" ;
this . lblstatsY . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 144 , 35 ) ;
this . lblstatsY . TabIndex = 11 ;
this . lblstatsY . Text = "Yspeed:" ;
this . lblstatsY . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
// lblstatsX
this . lblstatsX . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Bottom | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Left ) ) ) ;
this . lblstatsX . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Georgia" , 14.25F , System . Drawing . FontStyle . Regular , System . Drawing . GraphicsUnit . Point , ( ( byte ) ( 0 ) ) ) ;
this . lblstatsX . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 3 , 356 ) ;
this . lblstatsX . Name = "lblstatsX" ;
this . lblstatsX . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 144 , 35 ) ;
this . lblstatsX . TabIndex = 5 ;
this . lblstatsX . Text = "Xspeed: " ;
this . lblstatsX . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
// pnltutorial
this . pnltutorial . Controls . Add ( this . btnnext ) ;
this . pnltutorial . Controls . Add ( this . lbtutorial ) ;
this . pnltutorial . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( 174 , 161 ) ;
this . pnltutorial . Name = "pnltutorial" ;
this . pnltutorial . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 363 , 187 ) ;
this . pnltutorial . TabIndex = 10 ;
this . pnltutorial . Visible = false ;
// lbtutorial
this . lbtutorial . Anchor = ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles ) ( ( System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Top | System . Windows . Forms . AnchorStyles . Right ) ) ) ;
this . lbtutorial . Location = new System . Drawing . Point ( - 2 , 50 ) ;
this . lbtutorial . Name = "lbtutorial" ;
this . lbtutorial . Size = new System . Drawing . Size ( 367 , 86 ) ;
this . lbtutorial . TabIndex = 9 ;
this . lbtutorial . Text = resources . GetString ( "lbtutorial.Text" ) ;
this . lbtutorial . TextAlign = System . Drawing . ContentAlignment . MiddleCenter ;
this . lbtutorial . Visible = false ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
// tmrplayerhealthdetect
this . tmrplayerhealthdetect . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . tmrplayerhealthdetect_Tick ) ;
// tmrenemyhealthdetect
this . tmrenemyhealthdetect . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . tmrenemyhealthdetect_Tick ) ;
// tmrredraw
this . tmrredraw . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . tmrredraw_Tick ) ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
// tmrvisualizer
this . tmrvisualizer . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . tmrvisualizer_Tick ) ;
// pongGameTimer
this . pongGameTimer . Interval = 30 ;
this . pongGameTimer . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . pongGameTimer_Tick ) ;
// counter
this . counter . Interval = 1000 ;
this . counter . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . counter_Tick ) ;
// tmrcountdown
this . tmrcountdown . Interval = 1000 ;
this . tmrcountdown . Tick + = new System . EventHandler ( this . tmrcountdown_Tick ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
// HackUI
this . AutoScaleDimensions = new System . Drawing . SizeF ( 7F , 11F ) ;
this . AutoScaleMode = System . Windows . Forms . AutoScaleMode . Font ;
this . BackColor = System . Drawing . Color . Black ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . ClientSize = new System . Drawing . Size ( 1339 , 741 ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . Controls . Add ( this . panel2 ) ;
this . Font = new System . Drawing . Font ( "Lucida Console" , 8.25F ) ;
this . ForeColor = System . Drawing . Color . LightGreen ;
this . FormBorderStyle = System . Windows . Forms . FormBorderStyle . None ;
this . Name = "HackUI" ;
this . Text = "HackUI" ;
this . FormClosing + = new System . Windows . Forms . FormClosingEventHandler ( this . this_Closing ) ;
this . Load + = new System . EventHandler ( this . HackUI_Load ) ;
this . tbui . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . tbui . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlenemy . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnlenemy . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlyou . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnlyou . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlbuy . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnlbuy . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnldefensemanager . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnlpcinfo . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . flcontrols . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . flcontrols . PerformLayout ( ) ;
this . panel2 . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
this . pgpong . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
( ( System . ComponentModel . ISupportInitialize ) ( this . paddleHuman ) ) . EndInit ( ) ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
this . pnltutorial . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
this . pnltutorial . PerformLayout ( ) ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00
this . ResumeLayout ( false ) ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TableLayoutPanel tbui ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnlyou ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnlbuy ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox txthostname ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbhostname ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox txtgrade ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbgrade ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbmoduleinfo ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox cmbbuyable ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label4 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btndonebuying ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnldefensemanager ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btnbuy ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label3 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . ComboBox cmbmodules ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label label1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button button1 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btnnext ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnlpcinfo ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbtargets ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btnpoweroff ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btnupgrade ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbpcinfo ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbmoduletitle ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btncloseinfo ;
private System . Windows . Forms . FlowLayoutPanel flcontrols ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btnaddmodule ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbcompromised ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbstats ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox txtyourconsole ;
private System . Windows . Forms . TextBox txtenemyconsole ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnlenemy ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbenemycompromised ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbenemystats ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel panel2 ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Timer tmrplayerhealthdetect ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Timer tmrenemyhealthdetect ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Timer tmrredraw ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbcodepoints ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Button btntogglemusic ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbsong ;
2016-05-26 19:11:01 -04:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Panel pnltutorial ;
private System . Windows . Forms . Label lbtutorial ;
2016-06-24 16:44:42 -04:00
private System . Windows . Forms . Timer tmrvisualizer ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Panel pgpong ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Label lblcountdown ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Panel ball ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . PictureBox paddleHuman ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Panel paddleComputer ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Label lbllevelandtime ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Label lblstatsY ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Label lblstatsX ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Timer pongGameTimer ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Timer counter ;
internal System . Windows . Forms . Timer tmrcountdown ;
2016-05-17 15:37:02 -04:00