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// Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
// a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the
// "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including
// without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish,
// distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to
// permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to
// the following conditions:
// The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
// included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
// Copyright (c) 2004-2006 Novell, Inc.
// Authors:
// Peter Bartok
// define to log API calls to stdout
#undef DriverDebug
#undef DriverDebugPaint
#undef DriverDebugCreate
#undef DriverDebugDestroy
#undef DriverDebugState
using System;
using System.Drawing;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Collections;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace ShiftUI {
internal class XplatUI {
#region Local Variables
static XplatUIDriver driver;
//static String default_class_name;
internal static ArrayList key_filters = new ArrayList ();
#endregion // Local Variables
public static string DefaultClassName {
get { return GetDefaultClassName(); }
#region Private Methods
internal static string Window (IntPtr handle)
return String.Format ("'{0}' ({1:X})", Widget.FromHandle (handle), handle.ToInt32 ());
[Conditional ("DriverDebug")]
static void DriverDebug (string format, params object [] args)
Console.WriteLine (String.Format (format, args));
#endregion // Private Methods
#region Subclasses
public class State {
static public Keys ModifierKeys {
get {
return driver.ModifierKeys;
static public MouseButtons MouseButtons {
get {
return driver.MouseButtons;
static public Point MousePosition {
get {
return driver.MousePosition;
#endregion // Subclasses
#region Constructor & Destructor
static XplatUI ()
// Compose name with current domain id because on Win32 we register class name
// and name must be unique to process. If we load MWF into multiple appdomains
// and try to register same class name we fail.
//default_class_name = "SWFClass" + System.Threading.Thread.GetDomainID ().ToString ();
try {
if (RunningOnUnix) {
//if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("not_supported_MONO_MWF_USE_NEW_X11_BACKEND") != null) {
// driver=XplatUIX11_new.GetInstance ();
//} else
if (Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable ("MONO_MWF_MAC_FORCE_X11") != null) {
driver = XplatUIX11.GetInstance ();
} else {
IntPtr buf = Marshal.AllocHGlobal (8192);
// This is a hacktastic way of getting sysname from uname ()
if (uname (buf) != 0) {
// WTF: We cannot run uname
driver=XplatUIX11.GetInstance ();
} else {
string os = Marshal.PtrToStringAnsi (buf);
if (os == "Darwin")
driver=XplatUICarbon.GetInstance ();
driver=XplatUIX11.GetInstance ();
Marshal.FreeHGlobal (buf);
} else {
driver=XplatUIWin32.GetInstance ();
driver.InitializeDriver ();
// Initialize things that need to be done after the driver is ready
DataFormats.GetFormat (0);
// Signal that the Application loop can be run.
// This allows UIA to initialize a11y support for MWF
// before the main loop begins.
Application.FirePreRun ();
catch (Exception ex) {
Console.WriteLine ("[ShiftUI/XplatUI] Driver init error: {0}", ex.Message);
#endregion // Constructor & Destructor
#region Public Static Properties
public static bool RunningOnUnix {
get {
int p = (int) Environment.OSVersion.Platform;
return (p == 4 || p == 6 || p == 128);
public static int ActiveWindowTrackingDelay {
get { return driver.ActiveWindowTrackingDelay; }
// Compose name with current domain id because on Win32 we register class name
// and name must be unique to process. If we load MWF into multiple appdomains
// and try to register same class name we fail.
internal static string GetDefaultClassName (Type type)
return "SWFClass" + Thread.GetDomainID ().ToString () + "." + type.ToString ();
// Generate a class name using current domain and a random number.
internal static string GetDefaultClassName ()
return "SWFClass" + Thread.GetDomainID ().ToString () + "." + new Random().Next(0, 9999999).ToString();
static public Size Border3DSize {
get {
return driver.Border3DSize;
static public Size BorderSize {
get {
return driver.BorderSize;
static public Size CaptionButtonSize {
get {
return driver.CaptionButtonSize;
static public int CaptionHeight {
get {
return driver.CaptionHeight;
public static int CaretBlinkTime { get { return driver.CaretBlinkTime; } }
public static int CaretWidth { get { return driver.CaretWidth; } }
static public Size CursorSize {
get {
return driver.CursorSize;
static public Size DoubleClickSize {
get {
return driver.DoubleClickSize;
static public int DoubleClickTime {
get {
return driver.DoubleClickTime;
static public bool DragFullWindows {
get {
return driver.DragFullWindows;
static public Size DragSize {
get {
return driver.DragSize;
static public Size FixedFrameBorderSize {
get {
return driver.FixedFrameBorderSize;
public static int FontSmoothingContrast { get { return driver.FontSmoothingContrast; } }
public static int FontSmoothingType { get { return driver.FontSmoothingType; } }
public static Size FrameBorderSize {
get {
return driver.FrameBorderSize;
public static int HorizontalResizeBorderThickness { get { return driver.HorizontalResizeBorderThickness; } }
static public int HorizontalScrollBarHeight {
get {
return driver.HorizontalScrollBarHeight;
static public Size IconSize {
get {
return driver.IconSize;
public static bool IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled { get { return driver.IsActiveWindowTrackingEnabled; } }
public static bool IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled { get { return driver.IsComboBoxAnimationEnabled; } }
public static bool IsDropShadowEnabled { get { return driver.IsDropShadowEnabled; } }
public static bool IsFontSmoothingEnabled { get { return driver.IsFontSmoothingEnabled; } }
public static bool IsHotTrackingEnabled { get { return driver.IsHotTrackingEnabled; } }
public static bool IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled { get { return driver.IsIconTitleWrappingEnabled; } }
public static bool IsKeyboardPreferred { get { return driver.IsKeyboardPreferred; } }
public static bool IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled { get { return driver.IsListBoxSmoothScrollingEnabled; } }
public static bool IsMenuAnimationEnabled { get { return driver.IsMenuAnimationEnabled; } }
public static bool IsMenuFadeEnabled { get { return driver.IsMenuFadeEnabled; } }
public static bool IsMinimizeRestoreAnimationEnabled { get { return driver.IsMinimizeRestoreAnimationEnabled; } }
public static bool IsSelectionFadeEnabled { get { return driver.IsSelectionFadeEnabled; } }
public static bool IsSnapToDefaultEnabled { get { return driver.IsSnapToDefaultEnabled; } }
public static bool IsTitleBarGradientEnabled { get { return driver.IsTitleBarGradientEnabled; } }
public static bool IsToolTipAnimationEnabled { get { return driver.IsToolTipAnimationEnabled; } }
static public int KeyboardSpeed {
get {
return driver.KeyboardSpeed;
static public int KeyboardDelay {
get {
return driver.KeyboardDelay;
static public Size MaxWindowTrackSize {
get {
return driver.MaxWindowTrackSize;
static public bool MenuAccessKeysUnderlined {
get {
return driver.MenuAccessKeysUnderlined;
static public Size MenuBarButtonSize { get { return driver.MenuBarButtonSize; } }
public static Size MenuButtonSize {
get {
return driver.MenuButtonSize;
static public int MenuShowDelay { get { return driver.MenuShowDelay; } }
static public Size MinimizedWindowSize {
get {
return driver.MinimizedWindowSize;
static public Size MinimizedWindowSpacingSize {
get {
return driver.MinimizedWindowSpacingSize;
static public Size MinimumWindowSize {
get {
return driver.MinimumWindowSize;
static public Size MinimumFixedToolWindowSize {
get { return driver.MinimumFixedToolWindowSize; }
static public Size MinimumSizeableToolWindowSize {
get { return driver.MinimumSizeableToolWindowSize; }
static public Size MinimumNoBorderWindowSize {
get { return driver.MinimumNoBorderWindowSize; }
static public Size MinWindowTrackSize {
get {
return driver.MinWindowTrackSize;
public static int MouseSpeed {
get { return driver.MouseSpeed; }
static public Size SmallIconSize {
get {
return driver.SmallIconSize;
static public int MenuHeight {
get {
return driver.MenuHeight;
static public int MouseButtonCount {
get {
return driver.MouseButtonCount;
static public bool MouseButtonsSwapped {
get {
return driver.MouseButtonsSwapped;
static public Size MouseHoverSize {
get {
return driver.MouseHoverSize;
static public int MouseHoverTime {
get {
return driver.MouseHoverTime;
static public int MouseWheelScrollDelta {
get {
return driver.MouseWheelScrollDelta;
static public bool MouseWheelPresent {
get {
return driver.MouseWheelPresent;
public static LeftRightAlignment PopupMenuAlignment {
get { return driver.PopupMenuAlignment; }
public static PowerStatus PowerStatus {
get { return driver.PowerStatus; }
public static bool RequiresPositiveClientAreaSize {
get {
return driver.RequiresPositiveClientAreaSize;
public static int SizingBorderWidth {
get { return driver.SizingBorderWidth; }
public static Size SmallCaptionButtonSize {
get { return driver.SmallCaptionButtonSize; }
public static bool UIEffectsEnabled {
get { return driver.UIEffectsEnabled; }
static public bool UserClipWontExposeParent {
get {
return driver.UserClipWontExposeParent;
public static int VerticalResizeBorderThickness { get { return driver.VerticalResizeBorderThickness; } }
static public int VerticalScrollBarWidth {
get {
return driver.VerticalScrollBarWidth;
static public Rectangle VirtualScreen {
get {
return driver.VirtualScreen;
static public Rectangle WorkingArea {
get {
return driver.WorkingArea;
public static Screen[] AllScreens {
get {
return driver.AllScreens;
public static bool ThemesEnabled {
get {
return XplatUI.driver.ThemesEnabled;
public static int ToolWindowCaptionHeight {
get {
return driver.ToolWindowCaptionHeight;
public static Size ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize {
get {
return driver.ToolWindowCaptionButtonSize;
#endregion // Public Static Properties
#region Events
internal static event EventHandler Idle {
add {
driver.Idle += value;
remove {
driver.Idle -= value;
#endregion // Events
#region Public Static Methods
internal static void Activate (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("Activate ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.Activate (handle);
internal static void AudibleAlert (AlertType alert)
DriverDebug ("AudibleAlert (): Called");
driver.AudibleAlert (alert);
internal static void BeginMoveResize (IntPtr handle)
driver.BeginMoveResize (handle);
internal static bool CalculateWindowRect (ref Rectangle ClientRect, CreateParams cp, Menu menu, out Rectangle WindowRect)
DriverDebug ("CalculateWindowRect ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", ClientRect, cp, menu);
return driver.CalculateWindowRect (ref ClientRect, cp, menu, out WindowRect);
internal static void CaretVisible (IntPtr handle, bool visible)
DriverDebug ("CaretVisible ({0:X}, {1}): Called", handle.ToInt32 (), visible);
driver.CaretVisible (handle, visible);
internal static void CreateCaret (IntPtr handle, int width, int height)
DriverDebug ("CreateCaret ({0:X}), {1}, {2}: Called", handle.ToInt32 (), width, height);
driver.CreateCaret (handle, width, height);
internal static IntPtr CreateWindow (CreateParams cp)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugCreate
IntPtr handle;
handle = driver.CreateWindow (cp);
Console.WriteLine ("CreateWindow (): Called, returning {0:X}", handle.ToInt32 ());
return handle;
return driver.CreateWindow (cp);
internal static IntPtr CreateWindow (IntPtr Parent, int X, int Y, int Width, int Height)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugCreate
Console.WriteLine ("CreateWindow (): Called");
return driver.CreateWindow (Parent, X, Y, Width, Height);
internal static void ClientToScreen (IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y)
#if DriverDebug
Console.WriteLine ("ClientToScreen ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.ClientToScreen (handle, ref x, ref y);
internal static int[] ClipboardAvailableFormats (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardAvailableTypes ({0:X}): Called", handle.ToInt32 ());
return driver.ClipboardAvailableFormats (handle);
internal static void ClipboardClose (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardClose ({0:X}): Called", handle.ToInt32 ());
driver.ClipboardClose (handle);
internal static int ClipboardGetID (IntPtr handle, string format)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardGetID ({0:X}, {1}): Called", handle.ToInt32 (), format);
return driver.ClipboardGetID (handle, format);
internal static IntPtr ClipboardOpen (bool primary_selection)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardOpen (): Called");
return driver.ClipboardOpen (primary_selection);
internal static void ClipboardStore (IntPtr handle, object obj, int type, XplatUI.ObjectToClipboard converter, bool copy)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardStore ({0:X}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}): Called", handle.ToInt32 (), obj, type, converter, copy);
driver.ClipboardStore (handle, obj, type, converter, copy);
internal static object ClipboardRetrieve (IntPtr handle, int type, XplatUI.ClipboardToObject converter)
DriverDebug ("ClipboardRetrieve ({0:X}, type, {1}): Called", handle.ToInt32 (), converter);
return driver.ClipboardRetrieve (handle, type, converter);
internal static IntPtr DefineCursor (Bitmap bitmap, Bitmap mask, Color cursor_pixel, Color mask_pixel, int xHotSpot, int yHotSpot)
DriverDebug ("DefineCursor (...): Called");
return driver.DefineCursor (bitmap, mask, cursor_pixel, mask_pixel, xHotSpot, yHotSpot);
internal static IntPtr DefineStdCursor (StdCursor id)
return driver.DefineStdCursor (id);
internal static Bitmap DefineStdCursorBitmap (StdCursor id)
return driver.DefineStdCursorBitmap (id);
internal static IntPtr DefWndProc (ref Message msg)
return driver.DefWndProc (ref msg);
internal static void DestroyCaret (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("DestroyCaret ({0:X}): Called", handle.ToInt32 ());
driver.DestroyCaret (handle);
internal static void DestroyCursor (IntPtr cursor)
DriverDebug ("DestroyCursor ({0:X}): Called", cursor.ToInt32 ());
driver.DestroyCursor (cursor);
internal static void DestroyWindow (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("DestroyWindow ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.DestroyWindow (handle);
internal static IntPtr DispatchMessage (ref MSG msg)
return driver.DispatchMessage (ref msg);
internal static void DoEvents ()
driver.DoEvents ();
internal static void DrawReversibleRectangle (IntPtr handle, Rectangle rect, int line_width)
DriverDebug ("DrawReversibleRectangle ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), rect, line_width);
driver.DrawReversibleRectangle (handle, rect, line_width);
internal static void FillReversibleRectangle (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor)
DriverDebug ("FillReversibleRectangle ({0}, {1}): Called", rectangle, backColor);
driver.FillReversibleRectangle (rectangle, backColor);
internal static void DrawReversibleFrame (Rectangle rectangle, Color backColor, FrameStyle style)
DriverDebug ("DrawReversibleFrame ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", rectangle, backColor, style);
driver.DrawReversibleFrame (rectangle, backColor, style);
internal static void DrawReversibleLine (Point start, Point end, Color backColor)
DriverDebug ("DrawReversibleLine ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", start, end, backColor);
driver.DrawReversibleLine (start, end, backColor);
internal static void EnableThemes ()
driver.EnableThemes ();
internal static void EnableWindow (IntPtr handle, bool Enable)
DriverDebug ("EnableWindow ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), Enable);
driver.EnableWindow (handle, Enable);
internal static void EndLoop (Thread thread)
DriverDebug ("EndLoop ({0:X}): Called", thread.GetHashCode ());
driver.EndLoop (thread);
internal static IntPtr GetActive ()
DriverDebug ("GetActive (): Called");
return driver.GetActive ();
internal static SizeF GetAutoScaleSize (Font font)
DriverDebug ("GetAutoScaleSize ({0}): Called", font);
return driver.GetAutoScaleSize (font);
internal static Region GetClipRegion (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("GetClipRegion ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetClipRegion (handle);
internal static void GetCursorInfo (IntPtr cursor, out int width, out int height, out int hotspot_x, out int hotspot_y)
DriverDebug ("GetCursorInfo ({0}): Called", cursor.ToInt32 ());
driver.GetCursorInfo (cursor, out width, out height, out hotspot_x, out hotspot_y);
internal static void GetCursorPos (IntPtr handle, out int x, out int y)
DriverDebug ("GetCursorPos ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.GetCursorPos (handle, out x, out y);
internal static void GetDisplaySize (out Size size)
DriverDebug ("GetDisplaySize (): Called");
driver.GetDisplaySize (out size);
internal static IntPtr GetFocus ()
DriverDebug ("GetFocus (): Called, Result:{0}", Window (driver.GetFocus ()));
return driver.GetFocus ();
internal static bool GetFontMetrics (Graphics g, Font font, out int ascent, out int descent)
DriverDebug ("GetFontMetrics (): Called");
return driver.GetFontMetrics (g, font, out ascent, out descent);
internal static Point GetMenuOrigin (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("GetMenuOrigin ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetMenuOrigin (handle);
internal static bool GetMessage (object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr hWnd, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax)
return driver.GetMessage (queue_id, ref msg, hWnd, wFilterMin, wFilterMax);
internal static IntPtr GetParent (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("GetParent ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetParent (handle);
internal static IntPtr GetPreviousWindow (IntPtr handle)
return driver.GetPreviousWindow (handle);
internal static bool GetText (IntPtr handle, out string text)
DriverDebug ("GetText ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetText (handle, out text);
internal static void GetWindowPos (IntPtr handle, bool is_toplevel, out int x, out int y, out int width, out int height, out int client_width, out int client_height)
DriverDebug ("GetWindowPos ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.GetWindowPos (handle, is_toplevel, out x, out y, out width, out height, out client_width, out client_height);
/* this method can (and does, on X11) return
* (FormWindowState) (-1), when the state of the window
* cannot be determined (in the X11 case, when the
* window isn't mapped.) Checking for the additional
* return value is less expensive than
* throwing/catching an exception. */
internal static FormWindowState GetWindowState (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("GetWindowState ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetWindowState (handle);
internal static void GrabInfo (out IntPtr handle, out bool GrabConfined, out Rectangle GrabArea)
DriverDebug ("GrabInfo (): Called");
driver.GrabInfo (out handle, out GrabConfined, out GrabArea);
internal static void GrabWindow (IntPtr handle, IntPtr ConfineToHwnd)
DriverDebug ("GrabWindow ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), Window (ConfineToHwnd));
driver.GrabWindow (handle, ConfineToHwnd);
internal static void HandleException (Exception e)
driver.HandleException (e);
internal static void Invalidate (IntPtr handle, Rectangle rc, bool clear)
DriverDebug ("Invalidate ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), rc, clear);
driver.Invalidate (handle, rc, clear);
internal static void InvalidateNC (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("InvalidateNC ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.InvalidateNC (handle);
internal static bool IsEnabled (IntPtr handle)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("IsEnabled ({0}): Called, Result={1}", Window (handle), driver.IsEnabled (handle));
return driver.IsEnabled (handle);
internal static bool IsKeyLocked (VirtualKeys key)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("IsKeyLocked ({0}): Called, Result={1}", key, driver.IsKeyLocked (key));
return driver.IsKeyLocked (key);
internal static bool IsVisible (IntPtr handle)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("IsVisible ({0}): Called, Result={1}", Window (handle), driver.IsVisible (handle));
return driver.IsVisible (handle);
internal static void KillTimer (Timer timer)
DriverDebug ("KillTimer ({0}): Called", timer);
driver.KillTimer (timer);
internal static void MenuToScreen (IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y)
DriverDebug ("MenuToScreen ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.MenuToScreen (handle, ref x, ref y);
internal static void OverrideCursor (IntPtr cursor)
DriverDebug ("OverrideCursor ({0:X}): Called", cursor.ToInt32 ());
driver.OverrideCursor (cursor);
internal static void PaintEventEnd (ref Message msg, IntPtr handle, bool client)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugPaint
Console.WriteLine ("PaintEventEnd ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called from thread {3}", msg, Window (handle), client, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());
driver.PaintEventEnd (ref msg, handle, client);
internal static PaintEventArgs PaintEventStart (ref Message msg, IntPtr handle, bool client)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugPaint
Console.WriteLine ("PaintEventStart ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called from thread {3}", msg, Window (handle), client, Thread.CurrentThread.GetHashCode ());
return driver.PaintEventStart (ref msg, handle, client);
internal static bool PeekMessage (Object queue_id, ref MSG msg, IntPtr hWnd, int wFilterMin, int wFilterMax, uint flags)
return driver.PeekMessage (queue_id, ref msg, hWnd, wFilterMin, wFilterMax, flags);
internal static bool PostMessage (IntPtr hwnd, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
DriverDebug ("PostMessage ({0}, {1}, {2:X}, {3:X}): Called", Window (hwnd), message, wParam.ToInt32 (), lParam.ToInt32 ());
return driver.PostMessage (hwnd, message, wParam, lParam);
internal static bool PostMessage (ref MSG msg)
DriverDebug ("PostMessage ({0}): Called", msg);
return driver.PostMessage (msg.hwnd, msg.message, msg.wParam, msg.lParam);
internal static void PostQuitMessage (int exitCode)
DriverDebug ("PostQuitMessage ({0}): Called", exitCode);
driver.PostQuitMessage (exitCode);
internal static void RaiseIdle (EventArgs e)
DriverDebug ("RaiseIdle ({0}): Called", e.ToString ());
driver.RaiseIdle (e);
internal static void RequestAdditionalWM_NCMessages (IntPtr handle, bool hover, bool leave)
DriverDebug ("RequestAdditionalWM_NCMessages ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), hover, leave);
driver.RequestAdditionalWM_NCMessages (handle, hover, leave);
internal static void RequestNCRecalc (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("RequestNCRecalc ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.RequestNCRecalc (handle);
internal static void ResetMouseHover (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("ResetMouseHover ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.ResetMouseHover (handle);
internal static void ScreenToClient (IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y)
DriverDebug ("ScreenToClient ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.ScreenToClient (handle, ref x, ref y);
internal static void ScreenToMenu (IntPtr handle, ref int x, ref int y)
DriverDebug ("ScreenToMenu ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.ScreenToMenu (handle, ref x, ref y);
internal static void ScrollWindow (IntPtr handle, Rectangle rectangle, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool with_children)
DriverDebug ("ScrollWindow ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}): Called", Window (handle), rectangle, XAmount, YAmount, with_children);
driver.ScrollWindow (handle, rectangle, XAmount, YAmount, with_children);
internal static void ScrollWindow (IntPtr handle, int XAmount, int YAmount, bool with_children)
DriverDebug ("ScrollWindow ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}): Called", Window (handle), XAmount, YAmount, with_children);
driver.ScrollWindow (handle, XAmount, YAmount, with_children);
internal static void SendAsyncMethod (AsyncMethodData data)
DriverDebug ("SendAsyncMethod ({0}): Called", data);
driver.SendAsyncMethod (data);
internal static int SendInput (IntPtr hwnd, Queue keys)
DriverDebug ("SendInput ({0}, {1}): Called", hwnd, keys);
return driver.SendInput (hwnd, keys);
internal static IntPtr SendMessage (IntPtr handle, Msg message, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam)
DriverDebug ("SendMessage ({0}, {1}, {2:X}, {3:X}): Called", Window (handle), message, wParam.ToInt32 (), lParam.ToInt32 ());
return driver.SendMessage (handle, message, wParam, lParam);
internal static void SendMessage (ref Message m)
DriverDebug ("SendMessage ({0}): Called", m);
m.Result = driver.SendMessage (m.HWnd, (Msg)m.Msg, m.WParam, m.LParam);
internal static void SetAllowDrop (IntPtr handle, bool value)
DriverDebug ("SetAllowDrop ({0}, {1}): Called", handle, value);
driver.SetAllowDrop (handle, value);
internal static void SetBorderStyle (IntPtr handle, FormBorderStyle border_style)
DriverDebug ("SetBorderStyle ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), border_style);
driver.SetBorderStyle (handle, border_style);
internal static void SetCaretPos (IntPtr handle, int x, int y)
DriverDebug ("SetCaretPos ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.SetCaretPos (handle, x, y);
internal static void SetClipRegion (IntPtr handle, Region region)
DriverDebug ("SetClipRegion ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), region);
driver.SetClipRegion (handle, region);
internal static void SetCursor (IntPtr handle, IntPtr cursor)
DriverDebug ("SetCursor ({0}, {1:X}): Called", Window (handle), cursor.ToInt32 ());
driver.SetCursor (handle, cursor);
internal static void SetCursorPos (IntPtr handle, int x, int y)
DriverDebug ("SetCursorPos ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), x, y);
driver.SetCursorPos (handle, x, y);
internal static void SetFocus (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("SetFocus ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.SetFocus (handle);
internal static void SetForegroundWindow (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("SetForegroundWindow ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.SetForegroundWindow (handle);
internal static void SetIcon (IntPtr handle, Icon icon)
DriverDebug ("SetIcon ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), icon);
driver.SetIcon (handle, icon);
internal static void SetMenu (IntPtr handle, Menu menu)
DriverDebug ("SetMenu ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), menu);
driver.SetMenu (handle, menu);
internal static void SetModal (IntPtr handle, bool Modal)
DriverDebug ("SetModal ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), Modal);
driver.SetModal (handle, Modal);
internal static IntPtr SetParent (IntPtr handle, IntPtr hParent)
DriverDebug ("SetParent ({0}, {1:X}): Called", Window (handle), Window (hParent));
return driver.SetParent (handle, hParent);
internal static void SetTimer (Timer timer)
DriverDebug ("SetTimer ({0}): Called", timer);
driver.SetTimer (timer);
internal static bool SetTopmost (IntPtr handle, bool Enabled)
DriverDebug ("SetTopMost ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), Enabled);
return driver.SetTopmost (handle, Enabled);
internal static bool SetOwner (IntPtr handle, IntPtr hWndOwner)
DriverDebug ("SetOwner ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), Window (hWndOwner));
return driver.SetOwner (handle, hWndOwner);
internal static bool SetVisible (IntPtr handle, bool visible, bool activate)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("SetVisible ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), visible, activate);
return driver.SetVisible (handle, visible, activate);
internal static void SetWindowMinMax (IntPtr handle, Rectangle maximized, Size min, Size max)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("SetWindowMinMax ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}): Called", Window (handle), maximized, min, max);
driver.SetWindowMinMax (handle, maximized, min, max);
internal static void SetWindowPos (IntPtr handle, int x, int y, int width, int height)
DriverDebug ("SetWindowPos ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}): Called", Window (handle), x, y, width, height);
driver.SetWindowPos (handle, x, y, width, height);
internal static void SetWindowState (IntPtr handle, FormWindowState state)
#if DriverDebug || DriverDebugState
Console.WriteLine ("SetWindowState ({0} {1}): Called", Window (handle), state);
driver.SetWindowState (handle, state);
internal static void SetWindowStyle (IntPtr handle, CreateParams cp)
DriverDebug ("SetWindowStyle ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.SetWindowStyle (handle, cp);
internal static double GetWindowTransparency (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("SetWindowTransparency ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
return driver.GetWindowTransparency (handle);
internal static void SetWindowTransparency (IntPtr handle, double transparency, Color key)
DriverDebug ("SetWindowTransparency ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.SetWindowTransparency (handle, transparency, key);
internal static bool SetZOrder (IntPtr handle, IntPtr AfterhWnd, bool Top, bool Bottom)
DriverDebug ("SetZOrder ({0}, {1:X}, {2}, {3}): Called", Window (handle), Window (AfterhWnd), Top, Bottom);
return driver.SetZOrder (handle, AfterhWnd, Top, Bottom);
internal static void ShowCursor (bool show)
DriverDebug ("ShowCursor ({0}): Called", show);
driver.ShowCursor (show);
internal static DragDropEffects StartDrag (IntPtr handle, object data, DragDropEffects allowedEffects)
DriverDebug ("StartDrag ({0}, {1}, {2}): Called", Window (handle), data, allowedEffects);
return driver.StartDrag (handle, data, allowedEffects);
internal static object StartLoop (Thread thread)
DriverDebug ("StartLoop ({0:X}): Called", thread.GetHashCode ());
return driver.StartLoop (thread);
internal static TransparencySupport SupportsTransparency ()
DriverDebug ("SupportsTransparency (): Called, result={0}", driver.SupportsTransparency ());
return driver.SupportsTransparency ();
internal static bool SystrayAdd (IntPtr handle, string tip, Icon icon, out ToolTip tt)
DriverDebug ("SystrayAdd ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), tip);
return driver.SystrayAdd (handle, tip, icon, out tt);
internal static void SystrayChange (IntPtr handle, string tip, Icon icon, ref ToolTip tt)
DriverDebug ("SystrayChange ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), tip);
driver.SystrayChange (handle, tip, icon, ref tt);
internal static void SystrayRemove (IntPtr handle, ref ToolTip tt)
DriverDebug ("SystrayRemove ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.SystrayRemove (handle, ref tt);
internal static void SystrayBalloon (IntPtr handle, int timeout, string title, string text, ToolTipIcon icon)
DriverDebug ("SystrayBalloon ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}): Called", Window (handle), timeout, title, text, icon);
driver.SystrayBalloon (handle, timeout, title, text, icon);
internal static bool Text (IntPtr handle, string text)
DriverDebug ("Text ({0}, {1}): Called", Window (handle), text);
return driver.Text (handle, text);
internal static bool TranslateMessage (ref MSG msg)
return driver.TranslateMessage (ref msg);
internal static void UngrabWindow (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("UngrabWindow ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.UngrabWindow (handle);
internal static void UpdateWindow (IntPtr handle)
DriverDebug ("UpdateWindow ({0}): Called", Window (handle));
driver.UpdateWindow (handle);
// double buffering
internal static void CreateOffscreenDrawable (IntPtr handle,
int width, int height,
out object offscreen_drawable)
DriverDebug ("CreateOffscreenDrawable ({2}, {0},{1}): Called", width, height, Window (handle));
driver.CreateOffscreenDrawable (handle, width, height,
out offscreen_drawable);
internal static void DestroyOffscreenDrawable (object offscreen_drawable)
DriverDebug ("DestroyOffscreenDrawable (): Called");
driver.DestroyOffscreenDrawable (offscreen_drawable);
internal static Graphics GetOffscreenGraphics (object offscreen_drawable)
DriverDebug ("GetOffscreenGraphics (): Called");
return driver.GetOffscreenGraphics (offscreen_drawable);
internal static void BlitFromOffscreen (IntPtr dest_handle,
Graphics dest_dc,
object offscreen_drawable,
Graphics offscreen_dc,
Rectangle r)
DriverDebug ("BlitFromOffscreen ({0}): Called", Window (dest_handle));
driver.BlitFromOffscreen (dest_handle, dest_dc, offscreen_drawable, offscreen_dc, r);
// Santa's little helper
internal static void Version ()
Console.WriteLine ("Xplat version $Revision: $");
internal static void AddKeyFilter (IKeyFilter value)
lock (key_filters) {
key_filters.Add (value);
internal static bool FilterKey (KeyFilterData key)
lock (key_filters) {
for (int i = 0; i < key_filters.Count; i++) {
IKeyFilter filter = (IKeyFilter) key_filters[i];
if (filter.PreFilterKey (key))
return true;
return false;
#endregion // Public Static Methods
#region Delegates
public delegate bool ClipboardToObject (int type, IntPtr data, out object obj);
public delegate bool ObjectToClipboard (ref int type, object obj, out byte[] data);
#endregion // Delegates
[DllImport ("libc")]
static extern int uname (IntPtr buf);